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...急用啊,拜托了!原文如下: “我的动手能力较强,喜欢钻研

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-15 12:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:38

My beginning ability is stronger, like to study, once held in the school office automation skills had the second prize in the competition, so the common office affairs: no problem. I have many hobbies, such as music, reading, and slightly achievements in these aspects, the effective on their own efforts and the support from my family to me. Later, I found myself have very strong self-learning ability, as long as it is I am interested in something, I can do it very well. At present it still support me doing the more interesting and very meaningful. To study and work, I have a serious and meticulous spirit like a girl, makes every effort to do everything well, because I'm a perfectionist. 还来得及吗

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:42

My beginning ability is stronger, like to study, once held in the school office automation skills had the second prize in the competition, so the common office affairs: no problem. I have many hobbies, such as music, reading, and slightly achievements in these aspects, the effective on their own efforts and the support from my family to me. Later, I found myself have very strong self-learning ability, as long as it is I am interested in something, I can do it very well. At present it still support me doing the more interesting and very meaningful. To study and work, I have a serious and meticulous spirit like a girl, makes every effort to do everything well, because I'm a perfectionist. 还来得及吗
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