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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 23:41



热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 00:25

"It is used as a verb in a sentence in the subject or object of the word, or an independent structure in the name of that word, or contact the verb after the word slogan.
The term can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns, nouns and uncountable nouns, simple and compound noun term.
Under normal circumstances, few of the singular noun to become a plural, is directly behind the increase in its s, but there are special circumstances.
For example: child (children) is the plural of children (children) here, it is not directly s.
Another example: class (class) is the plural of classes, here on the plus es.
The uncountable noun plural special there are many forms of expression.
This paper will focus on these changes in the plural noun form, in particular, most of the terms of the special form of changes in the discussions. "

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 00:25

“it is serves as verb in the sentence the subject or the object word, perhaps in the absolute construction expressed that the name word, perhaps after relating the verb makes the slogan the word. the noun may divide into the proper noun and the common noun, may count the noun with not to be possible to count the noun, simple term and compound noun. in the ordinary circumstances, may count the noun the odd number to turn the plural number, in its behind adds s directly, but also has the peculiar circumstance. compares for example: child (child) the plural number is children (children) here, adds s directly. compares again for example: class (class and grade) the plural number is classes, here adds es. but cannot count the noun plural number the special form also to have very many turns of expression. this paper key on these noun plural number change form, specially the noun most special form's changes carry on the discussion.”

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 00:26

It is used as a verb in a sentence in the subject or object of the word, or an independent structure in the name of that word, or contact the verb after the word slogan.
The term can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns, nouns and uncountable nouns, simple and compound noun term.
Under normal circumstances, few of the singular noun to become a plural, is directly behind the increase in its s, but there are special circumstances.
For example: child is the plural of children here, it is not directly s.
Another example: class is the plural of classes, here on the plus es.
The uncountable noun plural special there are many forms of expression.
This paper will focus on these changes in the plural noun form, in particular, most of the terms of the special form of changes in the discussions.


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