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Can'T Let You Go [Featuring Mike Shorey & Lil' Mo] [Explicit Versio...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 14:31



热心网友 时间:2024-05-09 21:54

歌曲名:Can'T Let You Go [Featuring Mike Shorey & Lil' Mo] [Explicit Version]
专辑:Street Dreams

Artist: Can't Let You Go
Artist: Fabolous f/ Lil' Mo & Mike Shorey
Album: Street Dreams
by: 伯纳乌的天空
Uh, Uh, Uh
Baby girl
You know my situation
And sometimes I know you get impatient
But you don't put on a show to get ovations
Take it to court and go through litagations
And I respect you gangsta
Treat you like a princess
And put something on your neck to thank you
She's my pinch hitter
When the startin lineup ain't playin right
I come off the bench with her
It might sound like I'm gassin you
But it take time to get from the back seat to the passenger
We been creepin and sneakin
Just to keep it from leakin
We so deep in our freakin
That we don't sleep on the weekend
Wifey's a little bit uptight
Wonderin why I keep coming home in the middle of the night
It'll be alright if y'all bump heads it'll be a fight
But I said it'll be alright
I really wanna be with you (be with you)
But I gotta be real with you (real with you)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You're the one I want in my life (want in my life)
I already got a wife (got a wife)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You ain't never step out of line
Or get out a pocket
So I made sure canary sent out your locket
To protect you I'll get out and cock it
And you know the barrel of my gun is big enough to spit out a rocket
Oh, you gone play dumb if cops do come through
I gotta keep the top up if my drop do come through
But I know the boutiques and the shops you run through
So I cop her one and cop you one too
You always get a daily page weekly ring
Plus you ain't too shy to do them freaky things
I ain't gotta put a band on your finger
Or worry about you tellin the whole world I'm your man while I spring her
At first you was somethin I denied
Something I would slide
Just to do somethin in the ride
But shorty, there's something you provide
Cause the entre ain't as good without somethin on the side you know?
I really wanna be with you (be with you)
But I gotta be real with you (real with you)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You're the one I want in my life (want in my life)
I already got a wife (got a wife)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go (Uh)
Uh oh, I might be leavin the earth soon
My girl gone kill me if she smells the scent of your perfume
It's gonna be a clip tossed if I go back
With stains of your lip gloss on my throwback
She won't care if I'm a platinum rapper
If she catch me with an empty Magnum wrapper
So keep it on the down low call the car celly
You seen what happened with Mr. Big and R Kelly uh
You know I care for you (care for you)
Anytime this chick is there for you (there for you yea)
These feelings I'm a share with you
Which makes it a little more clear for you
I really wanna be with you (be with you)
But I gotta be real with you (real with you)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You're the one I want in my life (want in my life)
I already got a wife (got a wife)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
I really wanna be with you (be with you)
But I gotta be real with you (real with you)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You're the one I want in my life (want in my life)
I already got a wife (got a wife)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go

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