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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 00:49



热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 16:31

Chien?Love 》and 《roar and shout country villa 》is a Object sister's representative work especially.Is two complete independent works, the nature has respectively different style special features, but are compatriot sister, same history environment and growth background, and then makes because of two authors two of their works be thoughting, creations' etc. express a many same place.This text molds and recounts art both side to be to two works carry on relatively studying from the person, the different and similar which analyzes two works orders.Mold aspect in the person, pass the person realistic foundation, person personality characteristic, person to mold of complexity and person mold of realistic meaning everywhere does the noodles express host, male Chien, of work to many angles?Love with hope to stab gram benefit man;Run before a performance towards recounting an angle of view and recounting a technique of expression to carry on comparison to express Object sister especially at abundant imagination dint on the art with in the aspects of recounting an art.Pass the comparison research of this both side, to Object especially the sister and their person personality in the work and art performance had deeper comprehension and the understanding.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 16:35


热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 16:31

Chien?Love 》and 《roar and shout country villa 》is a Object sister's representative work especially.Is two complete independent works, the nature has respectively different style special features, but are compatriot sister, same history environment and growth background, and then makes because of two authors two of their works be thoughting, creations' etc. express a many same place.This text molds and recounts art both side to be to two works carry on relatively studying from the person, the different and similar which analyzes two works orders.Mold aspect in the person, pass the person realistic foundation, person personality characteristic, person to mold of complexity and person mold of realistic meaning everywhere does the noodles express host, male Chien, of work to many angles?Love with hope to stab gram benefit man;Run before a performance towards recounting an angle of view and recounting a technique of expression to carry on comparison to express Object sister especially at abundant imagination dint on the art with in the aspects of recounting an art.Pass the comparison research of this both side, to Object especially the sister and their person personality in the work and art performance had deeper comprehension and the understanding.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-07 16:36

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