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...a single parent of small children working at a low-paid job 关...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 00:42



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 09:45

I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always
tight(紧的), but we had a roof over our heads, 36 on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not
a lot, always 37 . Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was 38 . I’ve always
been glad about that.
It was Christmas time, and although there wasn’t money for a lot of gifts, we planned to
celebrate with a family party. But the big 39 for the kids was the fun of Christmas shopping.
They planned weeks ahead of time, asking 40 what they wanted for Christmas.
Fortunately, I had saved $120 for 41 to share by all five of us.
The big day arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 42 them to look for gifts of
about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered (散开). We had two hours to shop, then we
would 43 back at the “Santa’s Workshop”.
Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits 44 my younger daughter, Ginger,
who was unusually 45 . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies — fifty-cent
candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything 46 we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, ready to be angry again. This is what she told me.
“I was looking around, thinking of what to buy, and I 47 to read the little cards on the
‘Giving Trees.’ One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she 48 for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and 49 the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have
I never felt so 50 as I did that day.
36. A. food B. books C. fruit D. flowers
37. A. little B. less C. enough D. more
38. A. busy B. serious C. strict D. kind
39. A. trouble B. problem C. surprise D. excitement
40. A. the other B. each other C. one by one D. any other
41. A. toys B. clothes C. presents D. candies
42. A. made B. reminded C. invited D. let
43. A. draw B. stay C. move D. meet
44. A. including B. besides C. except D. as well as
45. A. quiet B. excited C. happy D. worried
46. A. since B. after C. while D. until
47. A. forgot B. stopped C. failed D. hated
48. A. wanted B. did C. got D. played
49. A. made B. passed C. bought D. gave
50. A. angry B. rich C. patient D. bitter (苦)


热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 09:44

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