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意大利花式咖啡 英文介绍

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 13:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 17:58

卡布奇诺 Cappuccino
拿铁 Cafe Latte
摩卡 Cafe Mocha
玛琪雅朵 Macchiatto
康宝兰 con Panne
皇家咖啡 Royal coffee
爱尔兰 Irish coffee


热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 17:59

Espresso, caff latte, cappuccino; there would seem to be as many types of Italian coffee as there are pastas. And just like pasta, Italian coffees are an art form accompanied by hundreds of customs and traditions. Whether it's a corretto coffee thrown back like a shot of alcohol, a cappuccino coffee and croissant for breakfast, or an iced coffee to cool off from the hot midday sun, in Italy there is a coffee drink specific for every time and mood.

But how do you make the perfect cup of espresso? There are fully automatic espresso makers, pump driven espresso machines, lever piston espresso machines, and, of course, the classic aluminium espresso coffee maker - the choices are endless. All will make a great cup of coffee but it is entirely dependant on the features that you desire. The perfect cup of coffee depends not only on the bean type and the milk you use but also the machine - blade vs. burr coffee grinders, tamp pressure, water temperature, and humidity. Caffeine lovers not only have their favorite local coffee house or caf, but even prefer certain baristi because of their ability to deliver a perfect espresso coffee.

So what kind of coffee should you order? The possibilities can be as daunting as a Starbucks menu. Below is a list of the most popular coffee beverages.

caffe (espresso)-a small cup of very strong coffee, i.e.,espresso

caffe Americano-American-style coffee, but stronger; weaker than espresso and served in a large cup

caffe doppio-double espresso

caffe freddo-iced coffee

caffe Hag-decaffeinated coffee

caffe latte-hot milk mixed with coffee and served in a glass for breakfast

caffe macchiato- espresso "stained" with a drop of steamed milk: small version of a cappuccino

caffe marocchino- espresso with a dash of hot milk and cacao powder

cappuccino - espresso infused with steamed milk and drunk in the morning, but never after lunch or dinner

granita di caffe con panna-frozen, iced beverage (similar to a slush, but ice shavings make it authentic) and topped with whipped cream

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