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去电影院的烦恼 The Problems and Hazards of Going to the Theatre_百...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-09 08:07



热心网友 时间:2024-06-14 22:47

People love movies
and when ites to “where is the perfect place to watch movie”
different people havedifferent views. Some people think that theatre is the wonderful place to go
for it could offer them the enjoyable of visual sense and hearing sense
andthey might meet some new friends who are sharing the same taste with rs think that home is the sweetest place to watch movies. They can suspendthe movie whenever they want and they can talk with their friends freely. In mypoint of view
I would like to watch movie at home.
In the first place
going totheatre to watch movie is not as fortable as you think. There may be atraffic jam when you are on the way to theatre
and after you finally get there
you probably already have no mood to watch movie. What’s more
the theatre mightnot that clean as you see. There might be some rubbish around your feet
or a Coca-Colacup which the former customer left beside your hand. And there is another thingthat you are hard to bear: noise. It’s every annoying when you are watchingmovie and someone is whispering
and sometimes not just one person whisperingbut a dozen! If you are watching movie at home
you don’t have to worry allabout those problems.
It the second place
watchingmovie in theater is not as safe as you think. When movie starts
the lightswould be turn off
and you are almost in a dark room. What if there is asociopath or psychopath who wants to stab people for spree
you are hard to getaway from this. When theatre is on fire
people will be more scared because thedarkness makes them upset
and it’s more difficult to escape when people aretotally psycho out.
In the third place
when you watchmovie in holidays
going to theatre seems not fit in economic principles. Everytheatre would raise the ticket price when holiday es. Why don’t you save themoney to buy a big bag of popcorn and watch movie at home.
Basic the reasons above
if youwant to get away from the problems in the theatre
and suspend the moviewhenever you want
watching movie at home is the best choice.

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