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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-05 19:01



热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 19:31

By 2010, during the first half of the national tourism administration of tourism economic operation report
Recently, the national tourism administration, at first, according to the ministry of appearing tourism economy of entry-exit administration provided by the national tourism administration of statistical data, and the national bureau of statistics in urban and rural residents of domestic tourism sampling data and China institute of tourism, tourist economy analysis report to 2010 tourism economic operation during the first half was analyzed.
An overall development situation, and tourism
During the first half of the 2010 tourism economy growth, the overall good operation is sufficient, tourist consumption exuberant, tourism market fast growth, business efficiency improved obviously. To travel in China: 10.97 million person-time, year-on-year 8.6%, Domestic tourism income 6055 billion yuan, 20.6% growth. Entry 6550 million people, 5.5%, The tourist foreign exchange income 215 million us dollars, up 14.5%. Tourism revenues 7500 million yuan, grows 19%. At the same time, because of the cold period compared with those in the long drought and wide wide natural disasters, domestic tourism growth slightly lower than expected 10% growth, Shanghai world expo effective driving east tourists growth, but in the northeast and Midwest passengers produces a certain degree of shunting effects, RMB appreciation and further stimulate outbound tourism.
Two, three market development
(a) domestic tourism market kept fast growth. According to the first quarter in the second quarter of data and data, prediction: 2010 10.97 number of domestic travel first million person-time, year-on-year 8.6%. Among urban residents, travel 5.07 million person-time, grew 11.1%, Rural resident travel 5.90 million person-time, 6.5 percent. Domestic tourism income 6055 billion yuan, 20.6% growth. Among urban residents travel cost 4254 billion yuan, up 26.0%, Rural resident travel cost 1801 billion yuan, up 9.7 per cent.
(2) the entry tourism market rebounded acceleration. According to 1-5 months Chinese tourism statistical investigation data of China's entry to: 6550 million person-time, number of 5.5 per cent year-on-year, 124 million person-times of foreigners, targeting, 39.5 million compatriots in Hong Kong, growth 3.7%, Macao compatriots 1120 million, down 4.0%; 240 million Taiwan compatriots, the january-february period. The number of inbound tourism 270 million person-time, pore-filling year-on-year growth. The tourist foreign exchange income 215 billion dollars, a year-on-year growth of 14.5%.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-05 19:33

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