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帮我修改英语作文 (高二)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-06 00:48



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 14:44

Due to the constant destoryment of environment by hunman beings. Balance system of the earth facing collapse .
此句其实不能分为两句,因为due to是一个介词短语,所以前半句不能单独成句。balance是动词,形容词应该是balanced;整句谓语is不能丢
改后:Due to the constant destoryment of environment by hunman beings, balanced system of the earth is facing collapse .

Human beings begin to luook for Noah's ark which can help them alive.
alive为表语,最好改为keep on living

Under the efforts of many different countuy all over the world, human beings save their life in the Noah's ark when the worldwide disaster is happening,gain the hope of live an develop.
life 改为lives因为是多条人命
gain是取得的意思,在此处不是很恰当,用retrieve较好 live 改为living
an 改为and

Though it just is a film , but if we don't protect the environment from now,the film maybe come ture one day.

把is 和just位置调换,改为 it is just a film
though 和but不可以连用,出现though时后小句不可用but,这是固定搭配一定要记住
from now改为from now on

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 14:47

gain the hope of live an develop应该是development吧
it just is a film 应该是it is just
human beings save their life 改为lives
Balance system of the earth facing collapse 改为Balance system of the earth is facing collapse

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 14:42

Due to the constant destoryment of environment by hunman beings.这一句没有谓语。 Balance system of the earth (IS) facing collapse . Human beings begin to luook (LOOK)for Noah's ark which can help them alive. Under the efforts of many different countuy (用复数)all over the world, human beings save(TO SAVE) their life in the Noah's ark when the worldwide disaster is happening(HAPPENED),gain the hope of live an develop.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 14:42

Due to the constant damage of the environment by hunman beings, the balance of the earth is facing collapse . Human beings begin to look for Noah's ark which can save them. With the efforts of many countries all over the world, human beings save their life in the Noah's ark when the worldwide disaster happens and gain the hope of living and development.
Though it just is a film , if we don't protect the environment now, it maybe come true one day. So we should protect the environment, reduce the use of resources to make our earth more beautiful.
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