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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 14:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:56

Babyface--How Come,How Long
There was a girl I used to know
She was oh so beautiful
But she's not here anymore
She had a college degree
Smart as anyone could be
She had so much to live for
But she fell in love with the wrong kinda man
He abused her love and treated her so bad
There was not enough ecation in her world
that could save life of this little girl
How come, how long
It's not right, it's so wrong
Do we let it just go on
Turn our backs and carry on
Wake up, for it's too late
Right now, we can't wait
She won't have a second try
Open up your hearts
As well as your eyes
She tried to give a cry for help
she even blamed things on herself
But no one came to her aid
Nothing was wrong as far as we could tell
That's what we'd like to tell our self
But no !it wasn't that way
So she fell in love
With the wrong kinda man
And she paid with her life for loving that man
So we cannot ignore,we must look for the signs
And maybe next time we must save somebody's life
And maybe next time we must save somebody's life
How come, how long
It's not right, it's so wrong
Do we let it just go on
Turn our backs and carry on
Wake up, for it's too late
Right now, we can't wait
She won't have a second try
Open up your hearts
As well as your eyes
How come, how long
It's not right, it's so wrong
Do we let it just go on
Turn our backs and carry on
Wake up, for it's too late
Right now, we can't wait
She won't have a second try
Open up your hearts
As well as your eyes
Babyface--How Come,How Long
房产证是房管局具体哪个部门在办理 电脑绿灯闪烁无法开机电脑主机绿灯一直亮但是开不开机没有反应_百度... 联想19寸显示器出现绿色一闪一闪 显示器绿灯闪烁,没图像 为什么我的联想显示器的指示灯总是闪烁??? 梦见一个小乞丐撒尿到头来的预兆 国服3.22战斗贼如何打出《高》DPS 国服3.22盗贼天赋,武器选择 魔兽世界3.22版本,战斗贼输出循环,请详细一点儿,谢谢,还有,红色宝石全部... 当老板需要具备哪些品质和能力 have to try和have a try哪个是对的?为什么一个用to一个用a,有什么区别吗? 红菇炖排骨汤的好处 d you have a second 一首英文歌 歌词大概是呜歪哦歪哦歪哦歪哦 哩哩哩哩哩哩哩哦来 hαveatry什么意思 have a try的中文意思 He will have second try ,中间为什么不用the,而用a 苹果6s可以复制快手标题么 have a try是什么意思 have (A)third time为什么是A不是THE,序数词前面不应该是THE么 Can I have a second try ? 为什么I不是主语不在can的前面 He will have ? second try ,中间为什么不用the,而用a Now let's have a second try为什么要用a Now let's have a second try为什么要用a the this不行吗 煎三文鱼一定要用橄榄油吗? 干燥综合征会引起哪些疑难杂症? 有没有人在家做过黄油煎三文鱼?有什么注意事项吗? 干燥综合症患者做完手术后会有什么危害? 干燥症对生活有什么危害? 干燥综合征会引发其他病症吗? 红菇排骨汤的做法 为什么是a second language 不是 the 排骨汤怎样炖最好吃 请帮忙用have a try 造一个句,谢谢 莲藕鸡腿菇排骨汤的做法 平时用的调料有哪些?家用的。 红菇炖排骨的汤煮面干加鸡蛋可以这样吃吗? 长沙万科悦府和金域蓝湾哪个好 葱剥皮了有根可以活吗? 天下3尸兵元魂珠技能方面 栽葱根能存活吗 万科颐府和万科城有关系吗? 拔掉葱的叶子,葱根还能活吗 我用大葱做根,扦插康乃馨(花店呢种),能成活么?需要注意些什么 天下3杀手元魂珠 万科重庆总部在哪儿 湘江世纪城附近还有哪些新楼盘在卖 天下3端游厉鬼元魂珠的技能怎么搭配呢? 天下3猛虎系元魂珠高手进 天下3元魂珠里提示的可洗技能是什么意思