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一首英文歌,开头是yaoyao wulalala的,很有节奏感的快歌

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-29 11:16



热心网友 时间:2024-04-30 23:15

Down - Jay Sean
Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Even if the sky is falling down?

Down, down

You oughta know

Tonight is the night to let it go

Put on a show

I wanna see how you lose control

So leave it behind

'Cause we have a night to get away

So come on and fly with me
As we make our great escape

So baby, don't worry

You are my only

You won't be lonely
Even if the sky is falling down

You'll be my only
No need to worry

Baby, are you down
down, down, down?
Down, down down

Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Even if the sky is falling down?

Just let it be

Come on and bring your body next to me

I'll take you away

Turn this place into our private getaway
So leave it behind

'Cause we have a night to get away

So come on and fly with me
As we make our great escape
So why don't we run away?
Baby, don't worry

You are my only

You won't be lonely

Even if the sky is falling down

You'll be my only

No need to worry

Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Even if the sky is fallin' down?
Down like she 'posed to be
She gets down low for me
Down like her temperature
'Cause to me she zero degrees
She cold, over freeze
I got that girl from overseas
Now she's my Miss America
Now can I be her soldier, please?
I'm fightin' for this girl
On the battlefield of love
Don't it look like baby cupid
Sent her arrows from above?
Don't you ever leave the side of me
Indefinitely, not probably
And honestly
I'm down like the economy
Baby, don't worry

You are my only

You won't be lonely
Even if the sky is falling down

You'll be my only

No need to worry

Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Baby, are you down
down, down, down, down?

Down, down

Even if the sky is falling down?

And the sky is falling down追问没有

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