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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 00:28



热心网友 时间:2024-08-13 21:42

孔子 春秋时期,教育家,思想家,儒家代表人物
司马迁 西汉史学家,著有<史记>
秦始皇 秦朝人,统一中国,历史上第一个皇帝
张衡 东汉人,天文学家
李白 唐朝诗人,"诗仙"
陆游 南宋爱国诗人
李时珍 明代医药学家,著有<本草纲目>
岳飞 南宋爱国将领
诸葛亮 三国时期军事家,蜀国丞相

热心网友 时间:2024-08-13 21:40

孔子(春秋,教育家,思想家 )
司马迁(西汉,史学家 ).
张衡(东汉,天文学家 ).
陆游( 南宋,诗人).
李时珍( 明,大夫,医学家).
岳飞(南宋,大将军 ).
诸葛亮(三国,蜀国军师 ).

热心网友 时间:2024-08-13 21:43


热心网友 时间:2024-08-13 21:41

An especially dramatic case of this peculiar conjunction of culture and economics is presented by the motion picture industry of Hollywood. In purely geographic terms, Hollywood proper is a relatively small district lying just to the northwest of downtown Los Angeles (see figure 1.1). It was in this district that the motion picture industry was initially concentrated in pre-World War II days. Today, the motion picture industry and its appendages spill over well beyond this original core, stretching out to Santa Monica in the west and into the San Fernando Valley to the north and northwest. This geographic area is the stage over which the main features of Hollywood as a productive milieu are laid out. At the same time, greater Hollywood, the place, is not simply a passive receptacle of economic and cultural activity, but is a critical source of successful system performance. This recursive relationship between place and industrial performance is a recurrent feature throughout the space-economy of modern capitalism. It is evident, above all, in the propensity for viable production systems to emerge on the landscape as localized complexes forming a mosaic of industrial clusters scattered around the globe.

Fordism, Post-Fordism, and the Cultural Economy

Over much of the twentieth century, cultural-products industries were of comparatively minor economic significance compared to the great leading industries driving national growth and development. This was especially the case in the first half of the century as so-called fordist mass production shifted into high gear and as sectors like cars, machinery, and petrochemicals moved to the forefront of economic expansion.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-13 21:48

孔子 春秋时期。 司马迁 东汉。 秦始皇 秦朝。 李白 唐代。 陆游 宋代。 岳飞 宋朝。 李时珍 明代。 诸葛亮 三国时期。
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