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请以how can you be a good child?为题目写一篇60至80词的英语作文_百...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 08:18



热心网友 时间:2024-12-20 02:57

How Can You Be a Good Child
Every child would like to be praised by others as a good child. But it remains a question as how to be a good child.
First, we should keep in mind that a good child dosen't mean that you obey everything your parents and teachers tell you. But since they are older and have experienced a lot more than us, what they ask you to do is, in a sence, reasonable. If you don't want to follow their requirments, do not quarrel with them because you should show respect for them. Tell them why you are not willing to do so and listen to their reasons. Effective communication will make things go smoothly in your family.
You should try to help your parents with the housework, such as washing dishes and sweeping the floor. Although we may not do it well, this behavior shows that we know they are hard supporting the family and we should share some of their burden.
As we grow older, we should try to communicate with them whenever it is possible. Because when our parents become older, they tend to need our care and hope that we shall show our love to them just the way they did to us when we were much younger.
No matter what you do, you should put the benefits of the family in the first place. And if you can do that, you are already a good child.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-20 03:01

To be a good child ,first you should be polite to others and would like to help others. Second you should take your teachers' or your parents' advice if you have made some mistakes. Third you should be responsible for(为,,,负责) your behavior.(行为) .Finally you should work hard and spend more time on your study.
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