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the zookeepers work英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 09:24



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 13:16

Many people like animals,but taking care of them is hard
work.Zookeepers take care of wild animals in zoos and animal parks.They
feed the animals,clean their living spaces,and work to keep them
Zookeepers watch the animals to see if they are sick or
hurt.Keepers need to watch and listen carefully to notice any changes in
behavior.Keepers write detailed notes about each animal and tell a
veterinarian if there is a problem.
Some keepers give the animals
objects to play with and explore.Many animals like playing with
logs,sandboxes,and even water sprinklers.Keepers often hide food for the
animals to find.Playing with food and toys helps animals stay active.
Teaching people about animals is another keeper task.Keepers answer people's questions and give presents.
zookeeping can be a dirty job.Keepers have to clean exhibit areas.Many
keepers work outside in rain,heat,and all sorts of other weather.They
sometimes carry heavy containers of food.And because animals eat every
day,most keepers work on weekends and holidays.
Zoo work can also be dangerous.Wild animals can bite,kick,scratch,or spread disease.
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