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Cher - Believed的中英文对照歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-13 01:47



热心网友 时间:2024-06-01 13:59

怎能再爱 Believe (Cher)

(失恋,失恋,失恋,失恋,After love after love...)
不管我怎样给你爱,No matter how hard I try
你总是把我推开。You keep pushing me aside
我们没有一点交流, And I can't break through
我也无法向你坦白。There's no talking to you
你走后世界是那么凄凉, It's so sad that you're leaving
好像我永远都无法开怀。 It takes time to believe it
可现在一切都成了过去,But after all said and done
你反而将孤独存在。You're gonna be the lonely one, ooh

恋后你怎能再爱?Do you believe in love after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强,I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no
恋后你怎能再爱?Do you believe in love after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强, I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。I really don't think you're strong enough, no

难道我就这么呆坐着,What am I supposed to do
将你等待?sit around and wait for you
不,我不会回头,Well I can't do that
不再等待。And there's no turning back
向前需要时间,I need time to move on
坚强需要热爱。I need love to feel strong
因为我已经想清楚,'Cuz I've had time to think it through
是你不配接受我的爱!And maybe I'm too good for you, ooh

恋后你怎能自在?Do you believe in life after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强,I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no
恋后你怎能自在?Do you believe in life after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强, I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no

我将禁得起考验,But I know that I'll get through this
因为我已不再悲哀。 'Cuz I know that I am strong
我不再需要你,I don't need you anymore,
永远不再。I don't need you anymore
我不再需要你,I don't need you anymore,
永远不再。no I don't need you anymore

恋后你怎能再爱?Do you believe in love after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强,I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no
恋后你怎能再爱?Do you believe in love after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强, I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。I really don't think you're strong enough, no

恋后你怎能自在?Do you believe in life after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强,I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no
恋后你怎能自在?Do you believe in life after love?
你肯定不是那么坚强, I can feel something inside me say
好像有人在向我交代。 I really don't think you're strong enough, no
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