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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 15:13



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 03:55

Ingredients: fresh chicken a (preferably live kill), potato four, mushroom, green capsicum red pepper all four, green ginger, garlic, Chinese prickly ash, some capsicum frutescens var a (because of the person different, hehe) the second step, the way through the Chinese prickly ash. The third step, add chicken, Onions, ginger, garlic capsicum frutescens var. Stir a few minutes, pour soy sauce and water (water must be enough, otherwise no sauce, skin too surface is not good) step 4, add sugar, salt, cooking wine step 5, add mushrooms, began to stew for 15 minutes. (for chicken old tender degree each step 6, add potatoes, continue to simmer for to potatoes cooked so far. Step 7, into green capsicum red pepper. The dyeing effect, hot depend mainly on the capsicum frutescens var. Step 8, stir slightly, can be out of the pot! Installed dish! (disc the bigger the better, the more wide belt surface to the thin the better, can put the surface water in the chicken) the ninth step, finally, we look at the dishes right, sugar mix tomatoes, can solution hot oh, otherwise, they prepare beer or cold drink it追问不好意思,请问能稍微简单一点吗?谢谢

追答Ingredients: fresh chicken a, potatoes four, mushroom, green capsicum red pepper all four, green ginger, garlic, Chinese prickly ash, capsicum frutescens var some one
The second step, the way through the Chinese prickly ash.
The third step, add chicken, Onions, ginger, garlic capsicum frutescens var.
Stir a few minutes, pour soy sauce and water
Step 4, add sugar, salt, cooking wine step 5, add mushrooms, began to stew for 15 minutes.
Step 6, add potatoes, continue to simmer for to potatoes cooked so far.
Step 7, into green capsicum red pepper.
The dyeing effect, hot depend mainly on the capsicum frutescens var.
Step 8, stir slightly, can be out of the pot!
Installed dish!
Step 9, finally, we look at the dishes right, sugar mix tomatoes, can solution hot, or prepare beer or cold drink it

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