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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 18:28



热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 09:57

English is important as the language used is English, it also gave people around the world a common language so we can understand each other. Without English, we would not be able to communicate with others.
To learn English, there are a few good methods. First, read. You have to read large amount of English books. Second, understand. When reading any English material, its important to understand its real meaning so that you would not have any error in your future usage of English. Third, listen. We have to listen to pronounce the words correctly. Forth, speak. As the saying goes 'Practise makes perfect', we have to practise and try to use English as much as possible to get use to it and make it a part of out life. Lastly, revision. After learning, we should always revise what we learnt so that we would not forget it as time passes. When all the five points were being practised, I am sure you could master English.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 09:55

do more reading
do more exercises

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 09:53

11A 此处要用比较级,large的比较级是larger 12B 因为这个动作是在他进大学之前做的,所以用过去完成时 13C avoid doing sth 14B rather than 15D

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 09:52

English is important as the current society's main language used is English, it also gave people around the world a common language so we can understand each other. Without English, we would not be able to communicate with others.
To learn English, there are a few good methods. First, read. You have to read large amount of English books. Second, understand. When reading any English material, its important to understand its real meaning so that you would not have any error in your future usage of English. Third, listen. We have to listen to pronounce the words correctly. Forth, speak. As the saying goes 'Practise makes perfect', we have to practise and try to use English as much as possible to get use to it and make it a part of out life. Lastly, revision. After learning, we should always revise what we learnt so that we would not forget it as time passes. When all the five points were being practised, I am sure you could master English.
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