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...乐队的Arkhangelsk、Surface the Infinite歌词.

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 11:55



热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 18:17

Arkhangelsk 歌词

Willed by winter's so called frost
Fix the in anxieties from grip
The frost that burned the honorees
Underneath the heavy clouds
The lifted sword, the broken shield
The hand that drew the final word
From the frozen mouth of Arkhangelsk

Let them go, let them burn the world to cinders
Let the rats run down
Falling through the tungsten skies
The burning clouds of Arkhangelsk

To the eye of judgement now
What will stand when time of the end (time of the end)?

Center stone, into fire
All to nothing and nothing to lose
They gather groaning to the souls
Of the grinding wheels of Arkhangelsk

With one word, one movement in the fabric
Everything dies
The storm that sweeps the world away
From the frozen plains of Arkhangelsk

Inherit from the morning star
What others brought
And the land, forgot

Soaring through van allen belts
Through blazing stars, through dying suns
Collide not now, but carry us
Through the burning air of Arkhangelsk

Surface The Infinite 歌词

It starts below
The pile and the burning in the
Darkness in the recipe
And fire in the soul
To paralyze and strangle hold

Disable the design
The remnants of reality
In our measured time
Is torn apart

We carry our fear inside,
A space that hold the darkness
We stretch our skin around,
To cover the abyss

The smirk on our reality
At the future we foresee
Blood that seeks redemption
In endless nights of sin
Spades without spears
That pierce the blinding sun

We heard from the heralds of grief
That nothing remains

We carry our fear inside,
A space that hold the darkness
We stretch our skin around,
To cover the abyss

Breaks into day
Upsets the system
It's in our nature to bear
The hidden to the end

What if this feeling contains the truth?
What if our dreams give way to the dogma of old?
What if lost desire can be found?

No shelter, no barriers between what's already inside
Betrays what the surface holds

We wear our lives
On waters and dust
Like daemons of the lost
Still wrapped in our own confusion,
The call of the abyss

We carry our fear inside,
A space that hold the darkness
We stretch our skin around,
To cover the abyss

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