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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 11:20



热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 06:21


Hello VietNam-Quynh Anh

Tell me all about this name, that is difficult to say.
It was given me the day I was born.

Want to know about the stories of the empire of old.
My eyes say more of me than what you dare to say.

All I know of you is all the sights of war.
A film by Coppola, the helicopter's roar.

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know my soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say he llo... Vietnam.

Tell me all about my colour, my hair and my little feet
That have carried me every mile of the way.

Want to see your house, your streets. Show me all I do not know.
Wooden sampans, floating markets, light of gold.

All I know of you is the sights of war.
A film by Coppola, the helicopter's roar.

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know my soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say he llo... Vietnam.

And Buddha’s made of stone watch over me
My dreams they lead me through the fields of rice
In prayer, in the light…I see my kin
I touch my tree, my roots,my begin

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know my soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say he llo... Vietnam.

One day I’ll walk your soil
One day I’ll finally know my soul
One day I’ll come to you
To say he llo…Vietnam
To say he llo…Vietnam
To say xin chào… Vietnam


热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 06:24


Quynh Anh - Hello VietNam

Tell me all about this name, that is difficult to say.
It was given me the day I was born.

Want to know about the stories of the empire of old.
My eyes say more of me than what you dare to say.

All I know of you is all the sights of war.
A film by Coppola, the helicopter's roar.

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know your soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say hello... Vietnam.

Tell me all about my colour, my hair and my little feet
That have carried me every mile of the way.

Want to see your house, your streets. Show me all I do not know.
Wooden sampans, floatings markets, light of gold.

All I know of you is the sights of war.
A film by Coppola, the helicopter's roar.

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know your soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say hello... Vietnam.

And Buddha's made of stone watch over me.
My dreams they lead me through the fields of rice.
In prayer, in the light...I see my kin.
I touch my tree, my roots, my begin...

One day I'll touch your soil.
One day I'll finally know your soul.
One day I'll come to you.
To say hello... Vietnam.

One day I'll walk your soil
One day I'll finally know my soul
One day I'll come to you.
To say hello...Vietnam
To say hello...Vietnam
To say xin chao...Vietnam.
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