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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 17:22



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 13:57

电影《哈利波特》系列中扮演卢娜·洛夫古德(Luna Lovegood)的演员叫做伊文娜·林奇(Evanna Lynch)。


外文名字:Evanna Lynch

别       名:Evanna Patricia Lynch

国       籍:爱尔兰

星       座:狮子座


职       业:演员、模特







2011年7月6日,伊文娜·林奇亮相《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》举行的主创和媒体见面会 。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 13:57

姓名:Evanna Lynch
绰号: Ev
国籍:爱尔兰(Ireland )
星座: 狮子座
职业: 演员、模特
出道日期: 2006年
出道作: 电影:《哈利·波特与凤凰社》
网站: http: //www.evannalynch.net/
学校: Cartown National School
兄弟姐妹:姐姐艾米丽和其他两只宠物(Luna 和 Crookshanks)
伊文娜·林奇Evanna Lynch,1991年8月16日, 是一位爱尔兰女演员, 因演出《哈利·波特》电影系列中卢娜·沃夫古德(Luna Lovegood)一角而闻名 。
她与她的父亲 Donal、母亲 Marguerite、 姊姊 Máiréad 和 Emily 及弟弟 Patrick 同住。
2003年,她11岁时因为生病住院,就在医院里开始看了哈利·波特小说, 因此迷上了哈利·波特。 她甚至还写过许多信给作者J·K·罗琳,向作者感谢这些故事带给她欢乐。
她养有两只猫,分别叫 Luna 和 Crookshanks。
演出生涯 哈利波特-与凤凰社是她第一次演出的电影。 2006年1月23日公开甄选这个角色的演员时,卢娜的扮演者选秀在1.14号在伦敦举行,有15000名13至16岁的女孩参加,经过2轮淘汰,有400人被选出,在最后一轮淘汰中,伊文娜·林奇在最后3人中被选出,获得卢娜·沃夫古德这个角色。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 13:57

  ●Ev 个人档案●
  姓名:Evanna Lynch
  绰号: Ev
  国籍:爱尔兰(Ireland )
  出道日期: 2006年
  学校:Cartown National School
  宠物:Luna 、Dumbledore和Crookshanks(死于2006年年初)
  [编辑本段]●Ev 个人简介●


  伊文娜·林奇Evanna Lynch,1991年8月16日, 是一位爱尔兰女演员, 因演出《哈利·波特》电影系列中卢娜·沃夫古德(Luna Lovegood)一角而闻名 。
  她与她的父亲 Donal、母亲 Marguerite、 姊姊 Máiréad 和 Emily 及弟弟 Patrick 同住。
  2003年,她11岁时因为生病住院,就在医院里开始看了哈利·波特小说, 因此迷上了哈利·波特。 她甚至还写过许多信给作者J·K·罗琳,向作者感谢这些故事带给她欢乐。卢娜演员竞选开始时,她说服了父母让她出院一天,以便能去竞选;她有一本JK罗琳亲笔签名的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》为了参加卢娜演员竞选,她和爸爸特意坐飞机飞到伦敦.
  她养有两只猫,分别叫 Luna 和 Crookshanks。
  演出生涯 哈利波特-与凤凰社是她第一次演出的电影。 2006年1月23日公开甄选这个角色的演员时,卢娜的扮演者选秀在1.14号在伦敦举行,有15000名13至16岁的女孩参加,经过2轮淘汰,有400人被选出,在最后一轮淘汰中,伊文娜·林奇在最后3人中被选出,获得卢娜·洛夫古德这个角色。


  ●Ev 关于Luna●
  卢娜是《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中的重要人物,她是一名14岁少女,哈利·波特的同校同学(比哈利低一级的拉文克劳生)。她和金妮同级,她的同学们都觉得她是个怪人。这可并非浪得虚名,她的的确确和其他的孩子们大不一样。她衣着异于常人,她向每个乐意听她的人宣扬她的那些奇怪的理念,而且在某些方面她似乎有些脱离现实。她对什么是得体举止的观念也很古怪。比如,在一场魁地奇比赛中,其他学生都挥舞着横幅或者戴着玫瑰花结并穿着球队传统颜色的服装表示对球队的支持,她却搞了一顶狮头形状的帽子,有真狮头那么大,戴在头上,它还会发出非常*真的狮吼。 卢娜经常是大家玩笑的对象,人们背后叫她疯姑娘洛夫古德。她为了保险起见,习惯把魔杖插在耳朵后面。她还拥有一条胡萝卜项链。同学们总是偷走她的东西,她在学期最后一天总是得贴告示要求大家把东西还给她。她的怪癖——如把黄油啤酒的瓶塞和红萝卜拿来作首饰——让她成为大家作弄和嘲讽的对象。但总而言之,卢娜对这样的行为总是令人惊讶地忍耐和包容。虽然她肯定知道大家对她的作弄,但她从不反击,甚至似乎根本没注意到大家的作弄,比如她知道大家叫她疯姑娘,但她能不动声色地告诉哈利这事。 哈利于1995年9月1日在霍格沃茨特快上第一次遇到卢娜。他、金妮、纳威与她坐在一间包厢里。她当时正上下颠倒地读着一本《唱唱反调》杂志。她告诉大家其父是该杂志的编辑,而魔法界的大部分人都当这份杂志是个笑谈。她笑的似乎很大声,会一个劲盯着其他人看,总之是个很怪的旅伴。当秋张过来和他问好的时候,哈利内心中希望当时自己要是和一些更酷的朋友在一起,而不是卢娜和纳威之流。 哈利捉摸不懂她,特别是当他发现卢娜是除他自己外唯一一个也能看到夜骐的人。她告诉他,他的头脑和她一样清醒,这对哈利来说,可真不是什么安慰的话。这一学年中,卢娜一直是哈利和伙伴们忠诚的朋友。除了和拉文克劳的比赛外,在所有的魁地奇比赛中她都支持格兰芬多。当大家都怀疑哈利的时候,她敢于站出来表示自己相信他。她参加了邓布利多军,并非常努力地学习。刻苦的训练在神秘事务司一战中发挥了作用,她在战斗中与食死徒勇敢搏斗。 然而,或许卢娜最伟大的时刻是在学期末,当时哈利正为失去教父悲痛不已。他花了几个小时想要联系上小天狼星。他试过类似降灵会一类的方法,还和幽灵对话,想找出和死去的人对话的方法,但这一切只是徒劳。卢娜碰到哈利的时候,她谈起她相信总有一天她可以看到自己已故的母亲,这样的信念给了她安慰。这样几乎类似*徒关于死后生活的信念,从一个相信那么多不寻常事情的女孩口中说出来,给哈利不少安慰。 有趣的是,卢娜似乎比同龄人要镇静自若得多。她经常望着远方,超脱于周遭的一切。虽然她那些坚定不移的信念不为旁人所接受或理解,但却赋予她尊严。1995-1996学年度结束时,她已经成为哈利、罗恩、赫敏的朋友和伙伴。 卢娜一家可能就是前文提到的住在奥特里-圣卡奇波尔村附近的洛夫古德一家。她父亲是《唱唱反调》的编辑,叫西诺费利·洛夫古德(见《哈利波特与死圣》第20章 Xenophilius Lovegood)。她母亲是一个很喜欢做实验的女巫。卢娜9岁那年,她因一条咒语出了大错而不幸丧生。卢娜常常很想念她,但她知道自己总有一天会再见到母亲,这让她觉得很安慰。 卢娜虽然为人有些古怪,然而却是哈利·波特对抗伏地魔最重要的同盟之一。
  [编辑本段]●Ev 英文档案●
  Birth Name: Evanna Lynch (Despite rumours and popular belief, her middle names are NOT Meghan Naomi)
  Date of Birth: 16 August 1991, Termonfeckin, Ireland
  Hometown: Termonfeckin, Louth, Ireland.
  Height: About 5'2"
  Parents: Marguerite and Donal Lynch
  Siblings: Emily, Mairead (older sisters), Patrick (younger brother)
  Pets: Cats: Luna, Dumbledore and Crookshanks (died early 2006)
  Star sign: Leo
  Chinese Zodiac: Sheep
  Bedroom: Orange and has turquoise quotes from the books.
  School: [September 2006] She is in Third Year at Our Lady's College, Greenhills, an all girls' Catholic school located in Drogheda, Ireland. During her primary school years, she attended Cartown National School.
  - On January 23rd 2006, she discovered she had beaten out over 15,000 girls, from all over the United Kingdom and Ireland, for the much coveted role of Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
  - In 2003, aged eleven years old, Evanna was disappointed that she would miss the release of the novel "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" as she had been hospitalised. However, the hospital released her for a morning on the day of the launch where a local bookstore arranged for her to receive a copy that was signed by author J.K. Rowling. On the day, Evanna was dressed in a Harry Potter t-shirt and having scrawled 'I love Harry Potter' down her arms. She had also painted her nails blue with Harry Potter written on every second nail and the golden snitch on every other one as well as sporting painted-on black Harry Potter glasses on.
  - She is a cat-lover who owns a cat named Luna. When Luna has kittens, she named one of them Dumbledore. Her other cat Crookshanks died in 2006.
  - She was a fan of the Harry Potter novels long before being cast in the films. She claims to have read the books several times.
  - Her father flew her to London to the open audition for the part of Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). Her mother did not believe she had much of a chance of winning the role so initially refused to let her apply.
  - [September 2006] She is in Third Year at Our Lady's College, Greenhills, an all girls' Catholic school located in Drogheda, Ireland. During her primary school years, she attended Cartown National School.
  - She lives with her father Donal, mother Marguerite and elder sisters Emily and Máiréad and younger brother Patrick in Termonfeckin, County Louth, Leinster, Ireland.
  - As a younger child, she continuously wrote to JK Rowling and, in one such letter, commented about how much she would love to act in a Harry Potter film but doubted this would happen as she lived in this sleepy little place called Termonfeckin, where nothing ever happened. And to Evanna's surprise, Rowling wrote back, "Don't be too hard on Termonfeckin; it does have a brilliant name! And I come from a very sleepy place.".
  - Is a vegetarian.
  - Made the pair of radish earrings worn by her character Luna Lovegood in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".
  - Attends a summer camp in Dublin, Ireland called CTYI (Centre for Talented Youth of Ireland) which was specially set up for the academically talented children in Ireland.
  - She was given a necklace with a hare and moon pendant by J.K. Rowling.
  - Takes lessons in Electric Guitar
  Thanks to Imdb for the information.
  Evanna Meghan Lynch (born 16 August 1991) is an Irish actress, best known for playing Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
  Personal life
  Lynch is from Termonfeckin, County Louth, Ireland. She lives with her father Donal, mother Marguerite, elder sisters Máiréad and Emily, and younger brother Patrick.
  As of September 2006, she is in her third year at Our Lady's College, Greenhills, an all girls' Catholic school located in Drogheda, Ireland. During her primary school years, she attended Cartown National School. She is currently attending CTYI.
  It was revealed on February 2, 2006 that Lynch, who was then fourteen, had been cast as Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after her father flew her to London for the open audition for the role,beating nearly 15,000 girls in the auditions. However, as Lynch has naturally medium to golden dark blonde hair, her hair had to be bleached blonde for the role of Luna. On set Lynch became very good friends with fellow actresses Bonnie Wright (who plays Ginny Weasley), Katie Leung (who plays Cho Chang) and Afshan Azad (who plays Padma Patil).
  Since the release of the film, she has received many positive reviews, being called one of the true "standouts& amp;quot; of the film.
  Lynch is a huge Harry Potter fan and, according to her family, is obsessed with the series. As a younger child, she constantly wrote to J.K. Rowling, and in one such letter the youngster commented how much she would love to act in a Harry Potter film but doubted this would happen as she lived in "this sleepy little place called Termonfeckin, where nothing ever happened". To Lynch's surprise, Rowling replied, saying "Don 9;t be too hard on Termonfeckin; it does have a brilliant name! And I come from a very sleepy place".
  In 2003, aged eleven, Lynch was disappointed that she would miss the release of the fifth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as she had been hospitalised. However, the hospital released her for the morning of the launch and a local bookstore arranged for her to receive a copy signed by author Rowling. On the day, Lynch was dressed in a Harry Potter T-shirt and had scrawled "I love Harry Potter" down her arms. She had also painted her fingernails blue with "Harry Potter" written on every second nail and the Golden Snitch on every other one, as well as sporting painted-on black Harry Potter glasses. Lynch's love for the novels even saw her choosing to name her cat Luna, who has had several kittens, one of them named Dumbledore. Another cat she'd owned which died in early 2006 had been named Crookshanks, after character Hermione Granger's cat.
  Lynch is an avid visitor to the Harry Potter fan site MuggleNet. She also called in to the popular Harry Potter-themed podcast, PotterCast, to talk about the title of the seventh Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
  [编辑本段]●Ev 相关站点●

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 13:58

姓名:Evanna Lynch
绰号: Ev
国籍:爱尔兰(Ireland )
出道日期: 2006年
学校:Cartown National School
宠物:Luna 、Dumbledore和Crookshanks(死于2006年年初)

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 13:59

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