发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 08:23
热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 05:00
有鬼 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:
内容预览:涔﹀悕:鏈夐?姝f枃绗?竴绔 鍥炰埂鍩庨噷浜哄?涔′笅浜烘湁绉嶅ぉ鐒剁殑鎺掓枼鑷?繁閭h竟灏ゅ叾涓ラ噸銆傛湜钁楀墠鏂圭殑閬撹矾鎴戠毐璧蜂簡鐪夊ご鈥︹……
如果是在一个句子中,就是On my way of learning english
The road of my own is to be walked by myself .自分の道は自分で走りたいです。じぶん の みち は じぶん で はしり たい です。zibunn no miti wa zibunn dei hasiri tai desi.
I hope the teacher in the learning English way better guide me(希望老师在我学习英语的道路上更好的指引我)
I like to go my own way.
Following is my reason.
回答:Sorry. My English is not very good. (对不起。我的英语不是很好) Sorry. I am not good at English. (对不起。我并不擅长英语。) 都可以啦。 还有,楼上的也是个很不错的答案。 他的‘My english is far away from the standard’ 意思是‘我的英语距离标准还差很远’。
my English is not so good.
My English is fluent.I like traveling and have rich knowledge of history and geograph.
I will be more firmly in the learning of English on the road to my pace