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江南style观后感 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 18:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 20:45

It seems that everyone thinks it's cool to do a Gangnam-style dance routine. Yes, even the Remnant Knights video game has a Gangnam flash mob.

If Generals David Petraeus and John Allen want to change their currently salacious images, they should get together with their alleged lady friends -- Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley -- and perform a "Gangnam Style" routine.

It surely helps that Kelley is alleged to be an "honorary consul" for South Korea.

If the president really wants to avoid the fiscal cliff, he and John Boehner should stretch their arms out, cross their wrists, wiggle their rearguards and do a Gangnam.

Hey, why don't they do it on the edge of a real cliff?

The Gangnam thing was lovely when Psy himself did it and it became the most liked * video of all time.

It's all a little much now. The waggling has to stop. The parody has become so ubiquitous that it's not even a parody of a parody anymore. It's a homage to catatonia.

As evidence, might I offer that Eric Schmidt -- a man of huge talents, dancing not being one -- was caught Gangnaming. At least that was in Korea, home of the Gangnam gang.

However, now news comes to the attention of my nervous system that players of the "Remnant Knights" video game, have inlged in a "Gangnam Style" flash mob.

Look, it's right there in the middle of this post. Please look. You might be there.

I am privy to a press release from GameSamba, the makers of "Remnant Knights."

It includes the phrase "Eh, sexy gamer." It also includes the sentence: "Players equipped the special 'dance emote' released in game last week and gathered to show off their new moves."

We have all been present in meetings rooms, kitchens and boudoirs, after which our only thought was: "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

But there are times when a craze becomes the haze of bygone days. There are times when even the shark waddles onto dry land in order not to be jumped.

This may well be one of those times.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 20:45

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