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英语作文 my Dream 2020 (中国小康) 2020 中国的社会 科技 国家强大

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 18:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:00

My Chinese dream is boosting up rich countries, is our pursuit of the Chinese nation the basic goal. Both history and realities tell us: only the country strong, people are well-off, we the Chinese nation will no longer be of the oppression of the great powers, not affected by the powers in the world community, all kinds of affairs have voice. This dream is realized, to our country to realize the well-off life is realizing the countries rich, boosting up. My Chinese dream is the unification of the country, and our ancestors of the Chinese nation the pursuit of immortality. Hong Kong, Macao's return to the motherland bosom historical experience tells us, the national unity is the Chinese nation the feelings of the people, in line with public opinion. Taiwan is the island country, with children, we are HuangYan flow the same blood! What is the reason not uniform? I dream of treasure island Taiwan back soon, and realize the reunification of the motherland! My Chinese dream is social harmony, the national unity. Social harmony to guarantee the social economy development quickly and efficiently, the economic development can be achieved countries boosting up rich! The national unity, to ensure social harmony. Therefore, our country must be lifted up "the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to unite!" The great banner, in processing and solve the minorities and affairs, must respect the national customs and habits, and respect the national life habits, and in economic construction, does the practical work for them, and the hardship!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:00

My Chinese dream is boosting up rich countries, is our pursuit of the Chinese nation the basic goal. Both history and realities tell us: only the country strong, people are well-off, we the Chinese nation will no longer be of the oppression of the great powers, not affected by the powers in the world community, all kinds of affairs have voice. This dream is realized, to our country to realize the well-off life is realizing the countries rich, boosting up. My Chinese dream is the unification of the country, and our ancestors of the Chinese nation the pursuit of immortality. Hong Kong, Macao's return to the motherland bosom historical experience tells us, the national unity is the Chinese nation the feelings of the people, in line with public opinion. Taiwan is the island country, with children, we are HuangYan flow the same blood! What is the reason not uniform? I dream of treasure island Taiwan back soon, and realize the reunification of the motherland! My Chinese dream is social harmony, the national unity. Social harmony to guarantee the social economy development quickly and efficiently, the economic development can be achieved countries boosting up rich! The national unity, to ensure social harmony. Therefore, our country must be lifted up "the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to unite!" The great banner, in processing and solve the minorities and affairs, must respect the national customs and habits, and respect the national life habits, and in economic construction, does the practical work for them, and the hardship!
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