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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 23:18

Also known as fixed green tea, oolong tea, fermentation of about 20-60 degrees, ranging from the semi-fermented green tea and black tea. Its quality features, as well as with the delicate fragrance and fragrance of green tea, black tea with the mellow taste. Orthodox teas on the brew, the leaves start. Ye was evident among the green, red leaf was, it is known as "green red rimmed" Called. Green drying process is the basic processing, hanging Green, shaking, fixing, rub and dry. China's famous Oolong Tea basically are selected for search. Oolong tea mainly in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan provinces, Tieguanyin, dongding oolong teas are the different varieties.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 23:18

The Oolong tea calls the green tea, the degree of fermentation is approximately 20~60%, is situated between between the green tea and the black tea half fermentation tea class.Its quality characteristic is, both has green tea's delicate fragrance and the flower fragrance, and has the black tea mellow taste.The orthodox school Oolong tea after swells, the leaf blade launches.Obviously among the leaf assumes the green, the leaf margin assumes red, therefore is known as “the green leaf borders red” the laudatory name.The basic processing technical process is exposes to the sun blue, dries in the sun blue, swings blue, heats bamboo strips for writing material, rubs twists dryly with.The Chinese famous time tea basically also all selects the Oolong tea to carry on swells.The Oolong tea host proces in Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan three provinces, the Oolong tea, goes against Wu Long and so on all is the Oolong tea different variety frozen.
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