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求一篇 英语四级作文范文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 03:32

Exercise: 09.7.17
Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?
This is an apparent phenomenon in present china that the number of private car is increasing. In that case, some people are in favor of owning one, but others’ belief is totally opposite. As for me, I think the fact of increasing private cars may be not a good tendency.
Such is human nature that everyone wants to have more room to live, to relax, to know himself, and it may be the main reason why more and more alts make owning a private car into one of the goals in their lives. In addition, numerous people hold a belief that it is essential for them to improve life standard, and the convenient traffic brought by it can rece life press.
However, advantages as private cars have, we cannot ignore the shortages caused by this tendency such as the more pollution of air, the more noisy surrounding us, the longer time we will spend on our way home. What’s more, if everybody only want to stay in their own space while don’t feel like communicating with others and refuse to share his opinion, how can we improve our society? How can we lead a peaceful and harmony life? How can china grow to be an advanced country in the world?
All in all, each coin has two sides. We should not deny those strong points, but it is necessary for us to set a limitation on the number of private cars. As we all known, we have only one earth to live and we cannot afford anything to damage it.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 03:33

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