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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 19:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 05:05

(1)。Introctios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白

People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.

1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.

B; I'm very glad to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Texas so far?

C: It's really different from what I expected.

B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.

B: How do you do?

C: Hello.

B: What's your impression of the United States?

C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.

B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!

3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.

B: Hi.

C: Nice to meet you.

B: What do you think of Dallas?

C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.

B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.

4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.

B: Pleased to meet you.

C: How do you do?

B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.

C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.

B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.

American Situational Conversations
(1).Introctios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白
People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are
introced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation
people almost always shake hands.
1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far?
C: It's really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.
B: How do you do?
C: Hello.
B: What's your impression of the United States?
C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.
B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!
3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: Nice to meet you.
B: What do you think of Dallas?
C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem
strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.
4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: How do you do?
B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.
B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.
(2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候
There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New
Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of
July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and
Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays.
1. A: Merry Christmas!
B: The same to you!
A: Are you doing anyting special?
B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?
A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.
2. A: Happy New Year!
B: Thank you! Same to you.
A: Have you got any plans?
B: I've been invited over to la friend's. And you?
A: My reemmate's having a party.
3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!
B: Same to you!
A: Are you going anywhere?
B: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?
A: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.
4. A: Have a nice weekend!
B: Thanks. You too!
A: Do you have any plans?
B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?
A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
(3).Meeting old friends 老友重逢
Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each other for
a long time.
1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.
2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?
B: No, I've been visiting relatives.
A: That's nice. Where?
B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.
3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
B: No, I've been away on vacation.
A: Oh? Where were you?
B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.
4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?
B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.
A: Oh, really? Where did you go?
B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.
(4).Saying Goodbye 告别
When you're far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them



(1)。Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.http://ww...


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