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英语翻译 高手进!!(在线等,谢谢啦!!!)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-13 21:41



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 19:33

玛丽: Hello Mary
最近可好? How are you?
夏天快到了,身体还好吗? Summer is coming. I hope you are fit and well.
有段时间没有联络了,想必你工作一定很忙吧。最近天气慢慢热了,工作之余记得要坚持锻炼哦~~ I haven’t heard from you for some time. I bet you must be very busy with work. The weather here is getting warmer, please look after yourself.
过完年后的我有很大一段时间都在给自己放假,有段时间对工作都出现了疲态,去了公司也不想上班,不过最近也慢慢开始进入工作状态了。毕竟“银子”还是要赚的,生活还是要过的,明天任就是另一个新的开始。 I have been in “holiday” since Chinese New Year. I had a sick of work for a period of time, but I’m getting better and regaining the correct work attitude. Because life is ups and downs; and money is always an issue. Tomorrow is a brand new day anyway.
过段时间等你有空了,我会过来看你。 I will come and say Hi some day.
别总是在电话里问我“有事吗”?我们是朋友了,没事也可以过来看你的,何况一年我们也见不了几次。当然,如果觉得我过来的路途有点遥远的话你可以请我吃饭。有很多话要和你说,见了面再聊吧。 I hope we can have a longer chat next time over the phone. I am your friend and I’d love to come and visit you. Of course, if your feel bad for the my long and tiring travel, buy me a dinner or something and make it up. I got so many things to talk to you.
夏天到了,多注意自己的身体。下周就是劳动节了,祝你和家人可以度过一个愉快的节日! Please take care for now. Also, I wish you and your family a happy Labor’s Day holiday.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 19:34

Mary: might be good recently? is drawing near in the summer, body fortunately? had a period of time not to contact, thought that you worked are certainly very busy. Recently the weather has been slowly hot, when work remembered that must insist exercised oh ~~ year later I to have great period of time to have a vacation for oneself, has a period of time to appear to the work wearily condition, went to the company not to want to go to work, but also slowly started the thrust build-up recently. “The money” must gain after all, the life has wanted, no matter what tomorrow will be another new start. the section time has waited for you to have free time, I can come to look at you. always in the telephone do not ask that I “have the matter”? We were the friend, was all right may also come to look at you, much less one year we could also not see several times. Certainly, if thought I come the journey is a little remote you may ask me to eat meal. Some very many words need to say with you that met chats again. the summer arrived, pays attention to own body. Next week will be Labor Day, wished you and the family member may pass for one happy holiday! hence!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 19:34


Dear Mary,
Summer is coming soon, how are you?
It's been a long time didn't contact with you, I guess you must be busy with your job. The weather is increasing, besides working, do remember to work out too.
After Chinese New Year, I gave myself a long holiday. There was a short period I felt tired on my job, didn't feel want to work even I had went to my working place. But I'm much into the situation now. Life must go on after all, I still need to work for money, and tomorrow is always a brand new day.
After some time, when you have more free time, I'll come to see you.
Please don't keep on asking "What happened?"We are friend, nothing special doesn't mean I can't come to see you. Plus, we hardly see each other. Of course, if you feel bad on I am coming from a long way, you can buy me a meal. I have so many things to tell, will chat about it when I meet you.
Summer is around the corner, take good care of yourself. Labor Day is in next week, wish you and your family have a good holiday!
Bye for now.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 19:35

Recently Kehao »
Summer approaching, the body also okay »
A period of no contact, you work, we must have very busy bar. The recent hot weather slowly, and remember to adhere to exercise his spare time, oh ~ ~
End of the year after a period of time I have great to have in their own holiday, a time to work have appeared tired, the company also does not want to go to work, but also slowly begun to enter the last work of the state. After all, "money" or to earn a living or to lead, as tomorrow is another new beginning.
Over time, such as your time, I will see you over.
Do not always ask me on the phone, "something happens?" » We are friends, she can also see from you, let alone a year we can see several times. Of course, if I feel a bit distant from the road, then you can ask me to eat. A lot to say to you, met again Liaoba.
By summer, more attention to their bodies. Labor Day is next week, I wish you and your family can spend a happy holiday!
At this point!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 19:35

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