发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 07:14
热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 23:02
内容摘要:为什么投行和咨询公司喜欢Top University 学生?摩根斯坦利、高盛的招聘广告看起来总是让人充满希望,尽管他们一再炫耀自己多么diversity(多样化)---黑人、亚裔、白人女性,然而,谈到雇员的学校,你会发现,他们根本就没有多样化可言。这些雇员大多来自于Top University,例如美国的常青藤盟校,顶级商学院,英国不超过无所学校。 投行和咨询为什么这么偏爱顶尖学校呢?纽约大学商学院的教授研究指出:投行和咨询并不是欣赏顶尖学校的教育水平,而是看重这些学校的品牌---高质量学生的品牌。顶尖大学和商学院的学生的优势不在于他们接受了良好的MBA教育,而是因为他们有出众的能力进入这些顶尖大学。 也就是说,投行和咨询在依赖这些顶尖大学的录取标准,做出对雇员的判断。(编者注,就如同,当中国人取得了美国签证后,可以免签或者更容易申请进入一些国家,例如日本韩国英国欧盟等,这些国家,都依赖于美国签证的公信力)。更进一步解释这个问题,投行和咨询与工程企业不同,你可以简单的说明,为什么一部梅赛德斯奔驰就比一部普通的汽车好,因为在工程上,质量好坏是可以通过很多确实的指标衡量的,然而对于投行和咨询来讲,就不同了。你为什么会把钱交给高盛管理呢,或许是因为你听别人说过,高盛的人都是绝顶聪明的。对于投行和咨询来讲,人才是唯一的资产,因此,优秀人才便是他们获胜的关键。从另一个角度,即使投行和咨询可以通过招聘面试来判断一个人是否优秀,但是他们的客户也无法了解这些投行和咨询的人是否优秀,他们唯一能看到的就是MIT斯隆商学院,哈佛大学商学院这样的名字。这并不公平,但事实就是这样,就像这个孤独星球上的所有故事一样。Those bulge-bracket investment banks and consulting firms really enjoy talking about their favor for diversity when it comes to recruiting. Actually, they have many different ways to say it:Morgan Stanley: "Diversity of our people is one of Morgan Stanley's greatest strength." (bragging)Goldman Sachs:"If you think you are too different to work at Goldman Sachs, we beg to differ." (pretty refined sentence)Deutsche Bank: "Deutsche Bank supports all aspects of diversity. Our global reach and local presence in over 70 countries and with staff from over 135 nations requires us to bridge many cultures and create an environment for our employees where they can be authentic and therefore best meet the needs of our clients." (gosh, so wordy!) Besides these sentences, they always put on some pictures featuring black guy, asian guy, white female, et cetera...what a harmonious and diversified place it is! But at the end of the day, people come to realize that they can embrace diversity almost in any aspect except graating universities! They invent the word "target school" to label the universities that they wish to recruit from. They are basically limited to very few top universities or business schools, for example, "Ivy Leagues" in U.S. or less than 5 top universities in UK or even China. It's generally considered to be much more difficult for students from non-target universities to land an internship or full-time offer thereof, although we witness exceptions now and then. Why is that? Why are those loyal adherents of diversity so reluctant to have diversity in aspect of universities?