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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 09:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:44

Sino-US cultural differences on the impact of the negotiations
"Global economic integration" has become a business in the area of highest frequency words. Since joining the WTO, China's economy in various fields have made rapid development. Especially in the 21st century, China and the United States of doing business there have been unprecedented growth in the two big trading between the natural business of other countries and regions, business communication and cultural exchange.
(A) cultural differences affect the negotiations on the basis of the theory
Cultural cross-cultural communication is the foundation of Sino-US cultural differences in the performance of the main language of communication and non-verbal communication, and so on. China and the United States because of cultural differences on business negotiations on all aspects of the direct effects of a lack of sensitivity to cultural differences often like to use their own cultural model on the basis to evaluate other people's cultures, ideas and customs, This is likely to lead to a clash of cultures. Therefore, China and the United States in business negotiations, it is necessary to strengthen the cultural differences of sensitivity and understand the language of communication, non-verbal communication and negotiation style differences. For example, in the language of communication, culture, the language of communication is mainly reflected the impact of the different cultures in the meaning and connotation of the word meaning a different metaphor; in the non-verbal communication, on gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and other acts will be to understand the different effects of negotiations; In the style of negotiations, the case can be seen from the various Sino-US negotiations on the attitude of those who deal with human relations, decision-making, the concept of time and attitude towards the conflict is different.
Due to cultural differences is an objective reality, all that happens has a number of cultural conflict is understandable, but as an international business participants in the negotiations, it is necessary to understand these differences and the cultural differences of business communication. The first part of the cultural differences on several cross-cultural communication between the business impact in the following two aspects:
(1) of the communication process. Cultural differences in negotiations on the communication process, not only in the language of communication, but also in the process of non-verbal communication. Cultural differences in the two countries would lead to physical action and the use of language there are huge differences, and even the same behavior transmission will be a very different message. In addition, people of different cultures is often based on their preferences and habits to communicate, and not take into account each other's culture model, which will have an impact on the outcome of the negotiations.
(2) ethical and legal system. Chinese culture accustomed to from an ethical and moral issues to consider; and more Americans from the legal issues to consider. In China, the "golden mean" thinking of a collective decision on the theoretical concepts, often through the media, such as the role of the organization to adjust the dispute surrounding the accident; in the United States, however, it is customary to use legal means, rather than relying on public opinion and morality To the role of maintaining order. This influence in the company of the most common, if not fully resolve the dispute, could have an impact on the company's operating and eventually may be involved in the law to bear.
please continue的翻译是什么

Please continue 英文发音:[pliːz kənˈtɪnjuː]中文释义:请继续 例句:Please continue to hold, your call is very important to us.请继续等候,你的来电对我们非常重要。词汇解析:continue 英文发音:[kənˈtɪnjuː]中文释义:v.持续;...




继续的英文翻译是“continue”。详细解释如下:在英语中,“continue”是一个常用的动词,用来表达持续或继续做某事的意思。当我们想要表达某人或某事物在某个过程或活动中断后重新开始或持续进行下去时,就可以使用这个词。例如,“He continued speaking after the break.”在这个句子中,“continue”就很好...

继续 的翻译

keep on proceed continuation


continue to do 继续做某事 continue doing 一直做(同一件事)to be continue 未完待续 例句:They should continue to do so.它们应该持续这样做。


go on 或者 continue 【楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~】


continue (to do) 继续 造句:He continues to do his homework.或者 keep on (doing) 也是继续的意思 造句:She keeps on eating her dinner.如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~请点击“采纳为满意答案”,)

你们继续 翻译成英语是什么?

You can continue.--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!认可我的回答就记得采纳哟么么哒 o(∩_∩)o


continue (to do) 继续 造句:He continues to do his homework.或者 keep on (doing) 也是继续的意思 造句:She keeps on eating her dinner.如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)


cintinue to do sth continue doing sth go on doing sth go on to do sth 都是继续做某事。to do sth 表示这件事情没干过,继续干的事与刚才做的不是同一件;doing sth 表示正在做的事情继续做。


您好,“继续着”在英语中有如下表达方式:Continue (to)go on (with)keep it up follow on proceed to to carry on (with sth.)to get on with sth.to keep on (doing sth.)to hold on

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