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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-08 23:13



热心网友 时间:2023-12-06 04:24

<律政俏佳人>插曲watch me shine歌词
Watch Me Shine
I'm not your average type of girl
I'm gonna show the world
The strength in me that sometimes they can't see
I'm about to switch my style
And soon things may get wild
But I will prove that I can conquer anything
So from my head to toe
I'm taking full control
I'll make it on my own this time
(watch me shine)
Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop til I'm on top now
Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
Better check that I'm about to upset
And I'm hot now so you better step back
I'm taking over so watch me shine
Oh oh oh
So get ready here I come
Until the job is done
No time to waste
There's nothing stopping me
But you don't hear me though
So now it's time to show
And prove I'm gonna be the best I can be
So from my head to toe
My mind body and soul
I'm taking full control
This time
(So watch me shine)
Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop til I'm on top now
Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
Better check that I'm about to upset
And I'm hot now so you better step back
I'm taking over so watch me shine
Oooo oh ya ya (Oh ya ya)
Bet you don't think I can take it
But my mind and body are strong
Bet you don't think I can make it
It won't take long
Bet you don't think I can take it
But my mind and body are strong
Bet you don't think I can make it
It won't take long
Now watch me shine...
Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop til I'm on top now
Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
Better check that I'm about to upset
And I'm hot now so you better step back
I'm taking over so watch me shine
Now watch me shine...
Better watch out
Going for the knockout
And I won't stop til I'm on top now
Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
Better check that I'm about to upset
And I'm hot now so you better step back
I'm taking over so watch me shine
Watch me...
Ooh oh oh
Watch me shine...
watch me...

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