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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 05:08



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:08

2004年在珠江三角洲等地发生的“民工荒”引起社会关注,广东有关部门调查预计2005年缺工仍要达到100多万人。我们调查认为,一些*管理和服务行为影响进城农民工的合法 权益保障和就业环境改善,与出现“民工荒”有不可忽视的关系。缓解“民工荒”的一个关键是*正确对待农民工,落实*,推进改革,改善服务,公正执法,起到保障其合法权益的作用。

1: In 2004 in places such as Zhujiang Delta has "the labourer uncultivated land" to cause the society to pay attention, the Guangdong department concerned investigates estimated in 2005 lacked the labor still to have to achieve more than 1 million people. We investigate believed that, some government management and the service behavior influence enters a city the agricultural labourer's legitimate rights and interests safeguard and the employment environment improvement, "the labourer uncultivated land" has the noticeable relations with the appearance. Alleviates "the labourer uncultivated land" a key is the government correct treatment agriculture labourer, the realization policy, the advancement reform, the improvement service, the fair law enforcement, plays safeguards its legitimate rights and interests the role.
2; After financial crisis in Asia, the Chinese society domain contradiction suddenly reveals. Mainly is the employment, the income disparity expansion and the social security system progress is slow. In addition, must pay attention to the correction hindrance social mobility wrong procere, prevented the institution and the government reform walks the extreme, in cancellation agricultural tax simultaneously attention maintenance basic unit of political power stability.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:09

1 : 2004 in the Pearl River Delta and other places in the "shortage of migrant workers" has aroused public concern. Guangdong authorities in 2005 is expected to reach more than 100 million people still lack work. Our survey that some government management and services affecting the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers protection and improvement in the employment situation. and a "shortage of migrant workers" can not ignore the relationship. Ease "labor shortage" is a key government correctly treat migrant workers and the implementation of policies to promote the reform, improve service, fair law enforcement, played the role to protect their legitimate rights and interests. 2; after the Asian financial crisis, China's social contradictions highlighted. Mainly employment, income disparities and the social security system has been slow. In addition, pay attention to correcting the erroneous practice of social mobility obstacles, the reform of government institutions and prevent polarization. the abolition of agricultural tax at the same time pay attention to maintaining the stability of grass-roots political power.
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