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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 12:03



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 19:18

As time goes by ,I am a new student in junior high school.I am very happy ,and I am making a plan for it.First,I want to make a lot of friends .I like making friends ,and piaying with them makes me very happy. Second ,I want to study hard ,becouse I'm growing up ,and I want to study well.finally ,I want to exercise more because I want to have a good body.

PS: As time goes by 随时间推移
junior high school初中
making a plan做计划
First Second finally 第一 第二 最后
growing up长大
exercise more多做运动
have a good body有一个好身体

追答随时间推移 我成为一名初中生 我很开心 我正在为它做一个计划 首先我想交一些朋友 我喜欢交朋友 和朋友一起玩让我很开心 其次 我希望努力学习 因为我正在长大 我希望学习好 最后 我希望多做运动 因为我希望有一个好身体

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 19:19

my grade 1 aim in middle school
i will be a grade 1 student in XX middle school.i have a aim for the new term study.i have two months plan about the aim.i want to study some music instrument and have a big study plan.i will spend 4 hours for study,including math,chinese,english,etc.i want to be a good student in my new school.追问中文


我的新学期目标 After saying goodbye to my happy summer time,I become a junior school student.I know 告别了---愉快的暑假时光,我成为了一个中学生。 我知道 there`s always so much work to do,so I have to have my own target.First,I will try my best to 前行的道路上总有许...


That's what I plan to do in a new term.这就是我新学期的计划及决心。


Until now I’m not sure if I really have interest in teaching, although I, as a free normal student, am supposed to be a teacher in the future. Once I dreamed to be a businesswoman or an official, while it seemed that the choice, which I made out of having no way out...


my dream will indeed come true.


My New-term Plan Winter holiday is going on.But the vacation is too short,my new-term will come faster.Oh,I should make a New-term Plan ,because I must get ready to welcome my spring term.In this term,my marks of the end exams are not good,I did not study well enough...


I want to be one of this amazing area.In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now.So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge.I hope my dream can come true one day.我有很多梦想,比如我希望将来变得富有,这样我就可以买我想买的一切。但是我...


初一我的梦想英语作文1 I have a dream, that is to be a traveler. Because the traveler can travel around the world to enjoy the beautiful scenery in every place.If I became a traveler, the first place I wanted to go was Beijing. Because it is our capital, the place we ...


坚持/成功/奋斗/拼搏/创新:Directions:Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the set of drawing,2)interpret its meaning,and 3)support your view with examples.(图略)It is vividly depicted in the cartoon that a boy is running ...


I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.我喜欢弹钢琴并并且很擅长,所以为想...

初一英语作文 我的梦想

my best to do everything well.我的梦想 我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我深知我的梦想不会实现。然而,我很幸运,现在我很年轻。 因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每件事情做好。

初一学生的奋斗目标简短 初一奋斗目标简短 初一学生奋斗目标 初一学生个人奋斗目标 班级奋斗目标初一 初中三年的奋斗目标是什么 什么是一个班的奋斗目标 我个人的奋斗目标 我党的奋斗目标是
...今年高考345(理科)想学医,请问报陕西哪些专科学院好? 宁夏师范学院院系介绍 ...了还一无所有一事无成,还没有任何学历,是不是注定一生不会有任何成就... 学历不好,难道就真的一点机会也不给吗? 头发打薄之后会永远发量少吗-头发打薄多久能厚回去 我把刘海打薄了需要多久才能长回原来的厚度? 说说各位认识的那些没有多少学历,但大获成功的人吧 ...没文化没学历只能干这个,说现在我已经被社会淘汰了。 可今天晚上厨房的水管又爆裂啦,迫切寻求帮助 2024没学历最吃香的职业 初一英语作文:新学期开始了,你一定遇到了不少新同学,想让他们认识你么,写一篇 求初一英语作文<我的新学期计划> 初一英语作文 my plan我的新学期计划 一篇英语作文 题目《新学期 新气象》初一作文50字就够!!!!急!!!!谢谢好心人!!! 初一英语作文带翻译,5.6句就行 题目:新学期新计划 初一英语作文《新学期打算》60词 关于开学计划的英语作文,初一程度,30-40词 my plan 我的新学期计划 初一英语作文,50-60词 intel 60核 Xeon Phi 5110P 这货是什么来历? phi是什么单词简写 宁波锐思隆自动化科技有限公司代理的什么台湾PHI品牌的直线导轨和丝杆是冒牌 的, 英语作文,展望新学期,你的初一奋斗目标,水平不要太高,也不要太低,要解释的 φ(Phi)小体是什么 关于新学期的英语作文(要初一的) 可以写写打算一类的,谢谢~\(≧▽≦)/~ 韩国la phi是什么牌子 Ko Phi Phi 的中文名是什么? 在美国“HIPAA”法案中“EPHI”是什么意思啊 PHIBEAR属于什么档次的 INTEL/英特尔至强Xeon Phi 31S1P,大家知道淘宝上有卖的了,但是不知道做什么用? phiilps的手机是什么牌子 初一的开学作文--新学期的畅想 Win8.1系统无法设置输入法! 如何解除输入法锁定功能 桌面上的输入法锁定了 输入法无法切换,也没有语言栏了,注册表也不能打开!!! 输入法切换快捷键被锁 输入法怎么解除锁定·还有 输入法一直切换 都切换不回输入法状态栏 怎... 我有一个问题就是 我的输入法被锁定在ALT+SHIFT了 不小心把输入法的注册表删了,接着就无法切换字体,永远都是英文。怎么办? QQ输入法安装时出现 部分修改的设置无法写入注册表,重新设置,这什么意 ... 有关输入法切换的解决方法 怎样在注册表里禁用输入法设置 默认输入法被锁定搜狗,无法切换 新会陈皮作为广东三宝之首,跟我们自己晒的橘子皮有什么区别? 小苏打可以代替硼砂吗 小苏打和硼沙的区别 小苏打是不是硼砂? 美的空调有一条没包皮的铜线是什么线 苹果怎么测试漏光 高速混合机哪家好?用于化工、锂电池,求推荐。