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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 10:45



热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 18:25

引擎盖隔热垫。Hood heat insulation pad
挡火墙隔热垫。Fire bulkhead heat insulation pad(汽车上的挡火墙?)
座舱隔热垫。Passenger room insulation pad
前轮挡泥板。Front wheel mudguard
前后地毯。 Fore/after mat
Note: ①tag”O”indicates plan, tag “●” indicates implement
2.check the thick frame content in thick frame checking column, and check check record in the thin frame checking column
件名/件号 part/part number

目付量 (不知道什么意思)
引张强度:常态时、浸水后Tensile strength;normal after soaking
伸长率:常态时、浸水后elongation percentage ;normal after soaking
引裂强度:常态时、浸水后;splitting strength:normal after soaking
耐磨耗性abrasive resistance
浸水收缩率Water shrinkage
摩擦色落性:干布、湿布Friction color fall: dry cloth, wet cloth

耐光性light resistance

耐光老化性Light-proof aging

耐热老化性heat-proof aging

耐寒性Cold resistance

防皱率Anti-creasing rate


漏水性Water leakage


罩雾度Cover haze

耐卷曲性Crimp resistant

毛羽立着性hairiness stickiness
耐热性heat resistance
伸长强度Tensile strength
收缩率Shrinkage percentage
常态伸长强度normal Tensile strength
吸水率water absorption
压缩弹性率pressure elasticity coefficient
吸音率Sound absorption coefficient

部分借鉴了以上两位的,因水平和信息有限,可能有不准确的,希望楼主再仔细审阅。谢谢 (本人汽车出口工程师)

参考资料:汽车工程手册 汽车英语 aboutcom kingsoft

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 18:25

Hood insulation pad.
DangHuoQiang insulation pad.
Cockpit insulation pad.
Front fender.
After carpet.
Note: (1) ", "for the plan," "for implementation
2. It was in the thick box audit column review, Inspection records in thin frame column audit

A name/number

Orders paid amount
Lead strength: normal, after soaking
Elongation, after soaking: normality
Lead and splitting strength: normal after soaking
Abrasion resistance
Water shrinkage
Friction color fall: dry cloth, wet cloth
Heat ageing
Anti-creasing rate
Water leakage
Cover haze
Crimp resistant
The hairiness
Elongation strength
Normal elongation strength
Bibulous rate
Compression elasticity
Sound-absorbing rate

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 18:26

Hood heat insulation cushion. Fire bulkhead heat insulation cushion. Cabin heat insulation cushion. Front wheel fender board. Front and back carpet. Give exegesis or explanation: (1) since "zero" is a plan, since being "" put 2 into practice. The fence examining and verifying in thick frame examines and verifies rude frame content; The fence examining that the precis writer examines and verifies in thin frame examines and verifies Document name/ part number Eye Fu amounts attract the Zhang intensity: Constant state time , soggy queen elongation rate: Constant state is caused to crack after being soaked with water now and then, intensity: After constant state is soaked with water now and then, able to enre consume soggy nature contraction rate friction color assured source of life sex: Dry cloth , heatproof ageing of wet fabric lightfastness fast light ageing sex sex cold resistance guard against a crinkle leading combustion sex to water leak from nature bad smell cover fog degree is able to bear crimp filoplume elongating the flexible rates of intensity water absorption rate bad smell compression sound-absorptive rate contaminate combustion being setting up nature weight thickness heat resistance elongation intensity contraction rate constant state
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