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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 07:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 05:18

Big cities floating population much? Why

Big cities (the floating population's why household register population)? Special big cities, floating population to more foreign population proportion, is larger also, whether it is why? Root cause is high income, big cities, more chances of employment, obtain employment domain wide, suitable for all kinds of people, is a farmer working employment ideal place.

Big city has the world income is high, the universality, and is not unique to China phenomenon. Big city high income is the main reason of the population are more likely to lead to, is also a population density of the big cause. Population and the population density, the size of the population has the density of population and the benefit of the population scale, efficiency and density benefit, leading to social proction efficiency improved, and lead to life becomes more convenient. Higher social proction efficiency, bring higher earnings, convenient life also attracted everyone's arrival.

The population of big cities the size of the benefits and density benefit, prompting the population of big cities scale to continue expansion, leading to large cities population and the population density with growth, this makes big cities of the population scale benefit and population density benefit further improved. Such stimulate circulation, make the continuous expansion of big cities.

How to stop the development of large cities? In a democracy, no way to curb the continuous development of the big city initiative, big cities can oneself by his own curbed. In big cities become super large cases, the density of population scale efficiency and growth will slow down, it will eventually be stalled. Such as would through frequent traffic jam phenomenon, and affects social efficiency. In almost all countries, cities will not development, e to large and special to proce scale economy. The development of large cities with the whole country general of urbanization and into the complete development period, this time the slow speed is very slow in the development of large cities, without worry the excessive huge. Larger cities than in the rural residents is very attractive, relative to the size of the rural population is benefits or density benefits, but relatively small and medium-sized city residents will be less attractive, big cities the size of the population density of the relative benefits or benefit small and medium-sized cities and not so big, and this has led to the residents of the small and medium-sized cities like farmers hard commonly that is easily attract in the past, the development of large into slow period.

In the democratic countries, countries can make some compulsory policy, contain the development of large cities. For example, from big cities enterprise or impose extra tax, residents can be cut down obviously enterprise or residents in the big cities of income, can be cut down obviously big cities to the enterprise or the attraction of the residents, then can curb the rapid development of big cities and even to big cities to atrophy. For example, north Korea to Pyongyang, TeBieShui collection can contain Pyongyang inflation. But, to the big cities TeBieShui collection is nearly impossible, democracy, not only in the won't have special tax, but also a preferential policy subsidies big cities.

In the democratic countries, often can proce some contain farmers into the policy of the big cities, this seems to also can stop the expansion of the big cities. The result is mainly, can lead to big city residents and farmers, opening bigger income gap, to proce greater regional or richer urban and rural differences. National cohesion weakened, proce regional resentment or urban and rural resentment, promote the country split thought generates. Stop farmers into big cities, also contain the policy of the development of large cities, contain the big cities to further improve economic efficiency. Low-cost labor is blocked out of the city, can increase the cost of living in the city residents.

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