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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 03:23



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 23:30

“Without TV or such electronic procts, how do you spend your spare time?”

Amy: Hi,Brand, you seem to be a little bit upset, what's going on?
Brand: You're right. My parents ground me from watching TV for the whole winter holiday! they said I waste too much time on TV or something like that and it is bad for my eyes. you know, I just had an operation on my eyes last month. OMG! What am I supposed to do then?
Chris: Perhaps, you can turn to your computer instead. you know, these days, we can watch TV online and it is as fluent as it is on TV.

Brand: yeah, the computer is fobbiden as well. My dad is a computer program designer. You forgot that?
Amy: don't tell me that you can't access to all the electronic procts this winter! That's terrible!
Brand: Bingo~~

Chris: I'm sorry to hear that.
Brand: hey! Don't just say sorry to me. help me to think about how I spend my spare time without TV and any other electronic proct. no Iphones, no Ipads, no PSPs.
Chris: I have never thought about that! What about you, Amy?

Amy: If I were you, I would read the whole Harry Potter series again this holiday! haha, I'm so crazy about these magic things!
Brand: Thank God, I'm not you. I hate reading! It's so boring and tiring. In addition, I can't use my eyes too much ring the coming months.
Amy: Sorry, I forgot that.

Chris: well, I think I would do some DIY. I love spending my time in the garden. You plant flowers and take care of them. You seed them, you water them and you look them growing up day by day. besides, green is good for your eyes. What a wonderful thing!
Brand:That sounds good. but I'm a little bit allergic to flower powder. so I think that can't be working for me.
Chris:That's all right.

Amy: What about swimming? Do you like swimming, Brand?
Brand: yeah, I do. but it's winter now, you know, it's too cold. I can't stand swimming in the pool outside in winter. And even if in indoor swimming pool, I feel cold either. You know, the tempreture in the swimming pool is not high enough.
Chris: I can play rollerblading. If you want to learn, I can teach you. rollerblading is an exciting sport. You will feel you are running like the wind.

Brand: I think rollerblading is my next plan. I will do it when I recover totally because my doctor told me not to do extrem sports, like some speeding things.
Amy: Drawing! if you like, I can teach you drawing. All you need to do is be quiet, think and move your hands when it's nessary. The best thing is you don't need to move drasticlly.
Chris: You can think about that, Brand. Maybe you can become the second Van gogh after your hardworking.

Brand: hehe, you kidding me. Drawing is not my cup of tea. I just can't immerse myself into it. Thank you anyway, Amy.
Amy: It's ok. Do you like playing chess? Boys are more like to play chess, international chess or Chinese chess.

Chris: I remember you were a chess player when you were in primal school. you can catch up with it this winter.
Brand: it's a good idea. But it can't be done by myself. it's two persons' game.
Amy: Don't worry about that. Chris is good at it as well. Are you, Chris?

Chris: definitely! I'm gonna play with you, Brand. And Amy is gonna be our judge.
Amy: Ok, no problem. A friend indeed is a friend in need.
Brand: Great! Thank you, guys!


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 23:30

why do we do these thing let the electronic procts suround us all the time?do we have any other chioce?what will you deal with your days without electronic procts ?
A:I am a business woman ,i don't have much time to watch tv because i get a lot of e-mail to handle,so i have to deal with the portable notebook everyday in anywhere such as in the office ,on the bus ,in the supermarket...oh i hate the notebook that fill with every corner that my trace can be found in this city,i hate this dame job,i wish i could be far away from the electronic procts like notebook,cellsphone...i could speng my time sleeping quietly all the day...god save me!
B: oh baby ,you are reallly a hard dog ,why not quit your job and enjoy your own spare time with your friends? when i am free,i call my friends out to the park , we can enjoy the frsh air ,green trees ,blue sky and the beatiful women with beers! also we can campain out side the door,last sunday ,i spent my day with a beatiful long hair ,blue eye young gril in the mountain,i don't even konw her name before i met her ,it is amasing that we even do a lot sex outside ...i can not believe this it just happend in a flash !
C:oh god ,you are really a lucky dog!the same with you ,i spend a lot of time ouside the doors,but i've never met some beatiful girls,let alone sex!oh god ,you are my icon!i am a 20 year old man with handsome face ,strong body .in my spare time we play games on the computer,long time game make me feel nauseated,so after making up i go out to the bar ,to the zoom,i met some young grils but they did not attract my eyes, so no touching ,no sexing .may be some day i could be sa lucky as the former guy to meet the amasing girl and have a deep relationship.
you are not me,so we do different things in the spare time in the different way ,you are not me ,so let it be...!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 23:30


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 23:31


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 23:32

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