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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 06:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 13:13

Good afternoon, everyone, I called XX, from a high (5) class, I am very glad to stand in a speech here. 当得知此次演讲的题目为“An unforgettable moment”时,我异常兴奋。Upon hearing this speech on the topic of "An unforgettable moment". I am very excited. 因为5班带给我难忘的经历实在太多,我永远忘不了那一晚……Five unforgettable experience for me because there is just too much that I can never forget Nayiwan : :
那是11月23日。It is November 23. 那天我们班与9班有一场辩论赛,很不幸,我们输了。Class 9, the day of classes and have a debate tournament, unfortunately, we lose. 这是我们班第一次输给对手,大家都不能接受这个事实。This is our first class defeated opponent, we are unable to accept this fact. 好多女生,甚至男生都哭了。A lot of girls, and even the boys cried. 我们是那么得爱 5班。So we have love for five classes. 那天晚自习格外安静,教室里笼罩着悲伤与失望。Going extraordinarily quiet day, the classroom was covered with sadness and disappointment.
第2节课,班主任叫上几个班干部,原来他买了几个蛋糕要与我们一同“庆祝”失败。Section 2 class, the class teacher asked several classes cadres, he bought a few cake with us "celebrate" defeat. 他说:“虽然我们输了,但我还是很感动,你们太爱这个班级了。孩子们,一次输不代表什么,我们有实力,5班永远是最棒的。”然后我们插上蜡烛,端着蛋糕高呼“我爱5班,我爱吾班,当今之士,舍吾其谁。”走进教室。He said : "Although we lost, but I am really touched, you too much of this class. Children, What a loser does not mean that we have strength, and five classes is always the best display. "Then we stuck candles. drink cake shouted, "I love 5 classes, I love My classes today people in their homes who look after. "Entering the classroom. 同学们似乎对这个惊喜措手不及。The students seemed to be surprised by surprise. 班长次时请班主任讲话。Please squad plenary speech class. 郑老师说:“半个学期来,你们给我太多太多的幸福。军训的出色表现,运动会上的精彩表现,还有考试成绩,让我感到十分满意。这次辩论,大家都付出了很多,虽然结果不是我们所希望看到的,但仍要感谢辩手,感谢同学们,你们都是5班的骄傲。孩子们,我们输得起,不要被一次失败打跨。”接下来的是一阵激烈的掌声。Cheng says : "half a semester, you give me too much happiness. The outstanding performance of the military. Games of the brilliant performance, examination results, I am very satisfied. This debate, we all pay a lot, Although the final outcome is not what we had hoped to see, but I still thank analogies for students, You are the pride of five classes. children, we can afford to lose. not to be a failure down. "Next is the fierce burst of applause. 这时,班长带着我们举起右手,在庄严的国旗下宣誓。Then, we raised his right hand with a squad leader, in a solemn flag under oath. “(次处已得到帮助翻译完)”我们为5班而骄傲。"(End meeting has been helping to translate)," We are proud to five classes. 接着,我们合唱《我的未来不是梦》。Next, we chorus, "My Future is not a Dream". 在音乐声中,大家都落泪了。In music, all of the tears. 之后,每个同学都对5班讲了一句发自肺腑的话。After each of the five classes students are speaking from the heart, then the sentence. 我仍记得两位男生用最朴素的语言“我们永远爱5班”道出了我们对5班深深的爱。I still remember two boys using plain language "We will always love five classes" shows our deep love for the 5 classes. 在烛光中,我们分享蛋糕,分享喜悦。In candlelight, we share the cake, and share the joy.
这一瞬间,这一晚上,我将终身难忘。This moment, this evening, I will haunt them for life. 我们永远爱郑老师,永远爱5班。We will always love Mr teachers always love five classes.
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