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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 06:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:16

希望后主能够发愤图强 继承先帝遗诏 “兴复汉室,还于旧都” 表达自己对蜀的一片忠心

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:16

Chen Liang words: late emperor did not venture a half, and middle Bengcu; today under the third, Yizhou Pibi, the sincerity despite the critical autumn too. However, guards of the minister, hard on the inside; Tadashi people in, forget the body on the outside: The late emperor of Shu Yu chase cover, like quoted in His Majesty also. Cheng Yi opened St listen to light late emperor left behind Germany, restore Hong Shi qi; should not sell ourselves short, allusions of justice, to admonish the road is plug loyalty.

Palace Fuchu, both as one; Zhi penalty rank, not differences: If crime, and for the loyalty that good people should pay Yousi, tours of the punishment to the Rule of Ming Zhao Ping Majesty; should not be biased, so that differences within and outside the law also. Shi Zhong, assistant minister of Yau Guo, Fei Yi and Dong Yun and so on, euphemistically real good, Zhi Zhong considered pure, simply pull the left is His Majesty the late emperor: palace of the stupid things that, no matter the size, noted the consultative, then implemented, must benefit Buque leakage, have Guangyi. General to the pet, sexual activity Shu-Jun, Xiaochang military, the trial of the former, termed late emperor said, "can" give pet is against the majority for the Governor: stupid things in that camp, no matter the size, noted the consultative, Front row will make peace, have the advantages and disadvantages also.

Pro-Xian Chen, far villain, this is also the first Chinese and so prosperous; pro-villain, far from Xian Chen, Han-so left leaning then also. In the late emperor, each with the minister on the issue, not a bad idea sigh hate to Huan, Ling also! Shi Zhong, Shang, Eliot, the army, the noted Festival Zhen Liang Chen is also dead, parents of His Majesty is willing, faith, the Han Dynasty of the lung, which may be taken at the question also.

Chen of the commoner, Gonggeng Nanyang, Gouquanxingming in troubled times, no smell of the princes. Xiandi not to Chen dirty, rustic bent from the vain, the three Gu Cao Lu Chen in among the consultative Chen Yi matter when the world, from a gratitude, then Xu Xiandi to Quchi. After the value of the overturning, the occasion of his appointment in the defeated army, ordered in distress between: Seoul to carry twenty-one year.

Xiandi Chen care to know, so the temporary collapse of a major event is also sent Chen Yi. Ordered since the Suye worry sigh, fear effect entrusted not to hurt the late emperor of the Ming; so crossing Lu May, in-depth barren. Today the South has been set, Jiabing is enough, when the award rate of the three services, scheled for the North Central Plains, Shu dried ll, throw into confusion fierce eliminating traitors, Recovery of the Han Dynasty, also the old are: The Hill reported that the late emperor and therefore the ministry of His Majesty is also loyal. As for the profit or loss as appropriate, into the faithful words of the Yau, Yi, and so the term is also allowed.

His Majesty is willing to trust Chen Yi Route Expeditionary Recovery of effect, the rule does not effect the crime minister to tell the spirit of the late emperor; without the words Heungdeok is the responsibility Yau, Yi, Yun so slow to Chang the blame. Since the plan of His Majesty should be matched to the consultation pick the good way, Chana Ya Yan, deep chase late emperor Testament. Stipendiary minister very grateful! When away from this, the Pro statement Tiqi and incomprehensible.

Later) Inst
Consider late emperor of Han, the two thieves do not stand, do not sacrifice the king instry, it also asked Chen Yi Route Expeditionary. The late emperor of the Ming and the amount of Robinson before, we know Hill cutting thieves, only strong but also weak enemy. However, not cutting a thief, Wang instry is also dead. Sit and be subject to death, what with the cutting of? Chen Erfu doubt the actual occurrence of child care also. Chen was ordered to the day, sleep well, food is not sweetness; thinking North symptoms are advised to enter the South: it is crossing Lu May, in-depth barren, and at the food. - Minister of non-self-pity are not: non-breeding ground in Gu Shu Wang instry are, so take the danger of left Italy to instructions from the late emperor. The proponent that the non-dollars. Fitness struggling West this thief, but also works in the East, Art of War "by labor": when this into the trend of. Chen would like to being to the followings:
Gotti Ming and Sun and Moon, policy makers Yuanshen, then scraped to be invasive, risk and security; this Majesty no time Gotti, policy makers are not as good, fair, and while trying to use strategy to win long, seated in the world: This one is also minister of the unsolved. Liu Yao, Wang Lang, the far-gun, on the security word count, dynamic lead the saints, the group full of doubt, difficult to plug all the chest; this age without a fight, do not levy next year, so Sun Ce and expanding, and then, and Koto: This is not Robinson Solution II also. Cao Zhi dollars, is no must in people, their military forces but also, fake anger Sun, Wu, and then trapped in the Nanyang, insurance in the Wu Chao, Wei Yu Qilian, forced to Yang Li, a few lost mountain, death is useless Tongguan, and then set a time pseudo- ear; state minister was weak, and trying to use may be of no danger: the minister of unsolved three also. Cao Chang-Pa attack no less than five, four more Chaohu fails, service appointments and Li Li of the service plans to appoint Jaap de Hoop and downfall, the late emperor was able to speak for every call, worse than the loss; conditions under Robinson crossbow, how to win: The Robinson Four is also unresolved. Since the minister to Hanzhong, in the middle of the ear, then mourning Zhao, Yang Group, MA Yu, Yan Zhi, Ding Li, Bai Shou, LIU Deng copper, and drive long Tuen will more than seventy people, suddenly there will be no prior Cong old man, young Qiang, San Qi Wu ride a thousand people, euphemistically of decades, which gathered the elite four, non-a state of all; if plural years, the loss of two-thirds. - When the enemy figure why: The five-Robinson is also unresolved. Poor people tired soldiers today, but do not interest; do not interest you to live with the line, labor costs are, etc.; and current graphs instead, trying to use a state of the land, and thieves for long: the minister of the six is also unresolved.
Husband it hard those things are. Xiandi defeated the Chu Xi, when this time, Cao Cao pat hand, that the world has been fixed. - And then east late emperor Wu, the more the West to take buses, Shu, Jubing North levy, Jaap granted the first: The operation of the Shiji, the Han things will become too. - And more illegal AU Wu, Guan Yu Destruction, Zigui consultations or, Cao Pi became the emperor: everything so, hard to see reversible. Chen spared no efforts in dying; The success of Li Dun, Chen Zhi-Ming can not see also reverse.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:17


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:17

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