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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 08:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 01:36

Sheep sheep is besieged by ferocious wolves in canyon low headquarter, the sheep sheep vanguard is that hungry sheep looks for the ... eating ... The sheep sheep vanguard has finally arrived at ... with fresh grass ... Be delighted for the sheep sheep: Have arrived at "quickly, everybody's oiling! Abruptly, several eyes sprained. Boiling sheep sheep: "Have , have the eccentric person! "We are fond of starving refugees". Be delighted for the sheep sheep: "Calmly to some extent, I say can"! "Rush! Food is grabbed completely. The valley bottom , the machinery sheep have no a glasses, will seem as if blind person-like chaos bumps against, the slow sheep sheep has made several subsidiaries of glasses being used by them! The slow sheep sheep has decided to go to a valley come to rescue the barely breathing knife sheep gathering medicinal herbs, but fallen, the warm sheep sheep just goes up to be carrying him on the back. Ferocious wolf 1: I be so hungry as to be unable to stand it! Ferocious wolf 2: Our fat meeting sheep has not eaten the body first 4's! Ferocious wolf 3: Face to face we are not to have st very wolf's grasp sheep machine! Grasp sheep machine having come down, sheep sheep (except machinery sheep) has crossed the difficult barrier in unison. The machinery sheep always having no the heart has learned because of it helping. The vanguard has rescued that a few refugees very much from st in wolf hand , refugees have returned fresh grass to the happy event sheep sheep , they have given to and group! At the time of two ferocious sheep quilt wolves going up at 12 o'clock at night, gathering medicinal herbs having been seized , having been in an extremely critical situation, the machinery sheep come on stage! He has beaten ferocious wolf into fits , that he has also been grasped, has been to be in an extremely critical situation but , his buddy has come to rescue him! Have got it in gear have saved them very much step. The machinery sheep group leader at last fall down to block the artillery fire streaming into a sheep to warm sheep.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 01:37

"Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf"is my favorite cartoon.It's really interesting.There are some cute sheep in the cartoon.Sheep enjoy themselves everyday.But Big Big Wolf and Red Wolf want to catch them and eat them.Sheep are smart.They beat Wolf each time.And the Big Big Wolf always say:"I will come back surely ."
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