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帮忙找一首英文歌,歌词有一句 you can’t stop the pain 和 just make a chenge now

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 00:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:00

具体我也不知道,不过搜 i pray!,tokki ft.cox 应该是你想要的
《I Pray》作曲:TOKKi

i pray every day every day

and i wait til my sins washed way

here ill stay, forgive what i forsake

with the mess i made and the life i waste


have you ever done something you regret

taken everything in your life for granted

all the past you cant forget

flashing back again

have you ever hurt someone that you love

that it hurt so bad they just took right off

can you see it in your eyes

something just aint right

you say life aint fair

that a man has tried his hardest but no one really cares

you cant stop the pain

just close your eyes and open up your heart and say

yeah yeah

lets break it down now

just make a change now


i have to realize

i need a new life

i cant help but cry

i pray this tonight


have you dreamed of another life

where you dont have tears running down at night

open your eyes and see the light

set yourself free

you say life aint fair

that a man has tried his hardest but nobody cares

you cant stop the pain

just close your eyes and open up your heart and say babe

(eh eh eh JC~~)


It's a kind of incenter pray

It's about a time to give a break

U hear I say Ok ...Let's go back the day

The day u had a gansta name Now take away

Cuz no one'll forgive the mistake u made or set u free

Forget da pain Forget da hate

Forget da wrong way u made

How many pople will stay How many will change

If the lord untie ur handcuffs n set ur life 4 free

How many feelin greatful How many escape

Now lookin back

See what in your bag man

There are sufferin there are torture maybe full of ur sad

It is just a part of ur life and I know u stand in hardtime

but keep your head up keep ur eyes brightly till the sun rise


Ok don't layin me down man

U can start from scratch all over again

How many eyes on you ,and they think u are the man

The man who Nirvana even from the boundless sand


i have to realize

i need a new life

i cant help but cry

i pray this tonight

i pray every day every day

and i wait til my sins washed way

here ill stay, forgive what i forsake

with the mess i made and the life i waste追问谢谢诶,,,捏个,,,有空间链接没?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:00

you were my everything
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