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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 22:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:25

We should pick up some rubbish and throw it into a stbin.
We should collect waste paper or bottles for recycling.
We should plant trees or flowers in or near our neighbourhood.
We should do something useful to improve the invironment.
We should not throw any litter onto the ground.
We should not draw pictures on public walls.
We should not spit in a public place.
We should not cut down trees. .


热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:26

Friends, when you live a happy and peaceful life, you may have thought that our environment is deteriorating a step by step? When you clean your own beautiful garden, you may have thought that everywhere around us white trash? When you fully enjoy the warm spring day when the sun may have thought that the ozone layer over Antarctica has lost the shelter? Once upon a time, the sky is so blue, the water is so clear, the forest is so close to giving in a natural environment while we enjoy the beauty of human nature, the same request to the things that should not be too ... ... in 1998, runs through the land of the Yangtze River, Nen and Songhua rivers and other generals, the beautiful gentle smile faded past, exposing the hideous terrible ferocity. Raging storm, swept across the South and the North of China, heavy rain wherever he went, up rivers and lakes of water, rivers overflow. Roaring River flood crest rolled up again and again, swallowed one village, a piece of farmland, cities and counties one by one, a manufacturing plant, a school. Just like a raging flood merciless claws, thousands of acres farmland flooded, hundreds of people homeless. Mighty river, every day in the manufacture of large and small danger. Violent magic baking, brewing, large and small danger. Violent magic baking, brewing, large and small tragedies. Water to homes, to all creatures to their homes, their homes will have the human, the human will have their own homes; water to stay alive, to all creatures to stay alive, human will survive and develop. If the ancient science has not yet developed, the land of people who have some understanding of the ecological limitations of the current made Zhigu stupid regardless of the long-term, then the modern people do? From 1950 to 1980, 30 years, more than half the world's forest area were destroyed, of which one half of Africa into a barren forest. Green vegetation is present in human nature,

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:26

第一段:可以说一个比较惊人的fact~用来得到注意~ 比如中国的沙漠化到了啥程度~过多长时间整个中国都要变沙漠了如果这么下去的话这种得~最后一句话说:对于这种情况我们应该XXX(举出3种保护地球的方法)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:27


我要写个小说,里面有3个男主角和一个女主角,叫什么好呢?(有5分!) 啤酒兑水浇花可以吗 手游热血传奇狗书哪里爆热血传奇手游狗书逐日噬血书什么地方能 酷狗音乐如何下载到u盘手机下载歌曲到U盘的步骤 快手拉黑了能看到自己发的作品么? 快手下面评论不显示 别听他废话是什么意思? 电脑连上chinaunicom 可是它不自动跳出登录界面 无法登陆 连接上chinaunicom之后点开网页一直弹不出登陆页面 打印机显示正在打印为什么一直没有动静呢???ps:第一次可以的,然后第二... 鹿茸鞋子可以涂鸦吗? 男子给车位涂彩绘被物业破坏,男子在自家车位涂鸦,是否合理合法? 韩国夫妇误毁44万美元涂鸦作品,是否需要承担赔偿责任? 怎样将照片的涂鸦还原 在编和长期合同到底有什么区别? 现场质量管理的主要内容5M1E指的是什么? 生产管理主要包括哪些方面的内容 产品生产管理及质量管理包括哪些内容? 入团总支的自我介绍怎么写?? 男人三十每月做几次爱对身体没害 30岁的男人几天一次性生活正常 学生会的面试,主要是自我介绍,然后畅想未来啦,帮下忙 男人三十一般多少天一次? 求加入大学团总支复试的自我介绍一篇 好的有重赏!! 加入大学团总支复试的自我介绍要怎么写? 求广东体育频道直播的网址 哪里有高清广东体育直播和翡翠台,直播源也可以,谢谢 广东体育频道直播哪里看? 有什么软件,播放器能看到广东体育频道直播呢? 财务自由如何通过投资低风险实现 有专门查看电脑内存条的设备吗 涂鸦恢复原图 内存条怎么检测维修?怎么准确的找出坏颗粒? 有没有检测内存条设备(除了电脑以外)? 身份证发别人该怎样涂鸦 有什么仪器或者软件可以看电脑之前用的什么内存条吗 哪里有修内存的?修内存需要什么仪器?检不到内存主要是什么原因? 我电脑主板上有个内存条接口空很久没有用上,现在想加一条内存条,但好像无法被读,不知是不是接触不良 浙江省的高考提前批第一志愿怎么样才能查到是否通过高校的录取分数线_百度问一问 phpstudy如何配置、修改数据库的密码 2007年浙江高考成绩查询方式以及时间( PHPadmin创建数据库如何密码sha1加密? 苹果手机下载拼多多软件,移动设置绑定手机,怎么解除绑定 我有两个手机号,一个已经登录拼多多,另一个号码已登录了,我想用更改我登录的手机号,怎么办? 吃什么可以尽快入睡 PHP 操作 sqlite 时如何为 sqlite加密 和防止 用户下载数据库? 拼多多手机号和不是同一个帐号,请问,咋改成一个帐号? 修改data里config.php 数据库配置文件用户名 密码 要填在哪个位置 哪个... 有什么能让自己快速入睡的妙招? php 数据库密码存放