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Jay Sean的《Don't Rush》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 00:00



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 23:30

歌曲名:Don't Rush
歌手:Jay Sean
专辑:Me Against Myself

Tegan And Sara - Don't Rush
Don't rob, bad idea,
you've been so good, I hear
Don't rush
Don't move, bad idea,
you've been so still,
I'm here for you, don't rush
One way or another
I'll find my way to cover
I sing to find my other
Sing to find my
One way, my lovely other,
They'll find restless cover
You sing to another
Sing to find your
Don't leave, bad idea,
you've been so far, so long
Don't rush
Don't run, bad idea,
you move so fast,
I need to rush
One way or another
I'll find my way to cover
I sing to find my other
Sing to find my
One way, my lovely other,
They'll restless cover
You sing to another
Sing to find your
One way or another
I'll find my way to cover
I'd love to find my other
Love to find you
One way, my lovely other,
They'll find restless cover
You've found so many others
One way to erase bad ideas,
well I won't see you once you arrive
One way to escape bad ideas,
well I won't cry to you,
not that you would mind
One way to erase bad ideas,
(Oh, oh, love the other)
well I won't see you once you arrive
One way to escape bad ideas,
(Oh, oh, love the other)
well I won't cry to you,
not that you would mind
One way or another
I'll find my way to cover
I sing to find my other
Sing to find my
One way, my lovely other,
They'll restless cover
You sing to another
Sing to find your
One way or another
I'll find my way to cover
I'd love to find my other
Love to find you
One way, my lovely other,
They'll find restless cover
You've found so many others

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