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第一次工业*的作用和对世界以及中国的影响 要英文的,地道一点的,万分感谢!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 01:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:41

  The first time the instrial revolution influence to the world in the following aspects:
  ①the instrial revolution greatly improve the social proctive forces and enriching people's material life, consolidate the capitalist countries rule. Capitalist proction system was finally gained dominance,
  ②the instrial revolution promoted the new city of generation, speed up the process of urbanization,
  ③the instrial revolution promoted the development of the cause of science ecation and scientific communism come,
  ④the advanced proction technology and proction mode spreads to the world, hurled the old ideas and old system promoted world instrialization;
  ⑤the instrial revolution caused social structure of major change, instrial bourgeois graally become the dominant part bourgeois. The proletariat also officially formation.
  ⑥the instrial revolution promoted world market formation. For global regions, nations and ethnic communication and future global integration laid a preliminary basis.
  The first time the instrial revolution impact to China:
  ①the Occident powers launched two opium war, China began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society,
  ②subject to foreign enterprise in China of the inction, China's modern instry proce (or westernization enterprise and national capitalist enterprise, or capitalistic China proced);
  ③the Chinese learning from the western countries advanced science and technology.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:41

The first instrial revolution greatly increased the proctivity and consolidate the dominance of the bourgeoisie; for the United States, Russia, Germany, Italy, the revolution, reform, so that the initial formation of the capitalist world system; in the instrial society, increasingly divided into two antagonistic classes - instrial bourgeoisie and instrial proletariat, the 19th century 30-40 years, the rise of the labor movement; began the process of urbanization; advanced mode of proction and dissemination of technology to the country, the impact of the old system, old ideas; East subordinate to the West colonial aggression led to the upsurge of national liberation movements
To meet the needs of instrial proction to the United Kingdom led the major capitalist countries in the world to seize the commodity markets, seize raw materials, instrial mping, the Asia, Africa and Latin America into the vast areas of the capitalist system. China's vast land and abundant resources, the Qing government and political corruption, economic backwardness, military negligence that capitalist aggression directed at China,
Two Opium Wars, the Chinese graally reced to a semi-feudal society, and the extent of further deepened. War brought untold disaster to the Chinese, resulting in long-term poverty and backwardness of China.

Two Opium Wars, the Chinese people continue to fight off the Taiping peasant class.
Germination of new ideas in China
Wei, Lin and other liberal intellectuals, began the world's attention, learn, travel, seek power exteriors of the Road, germination of a wave of new ideas to learn from the West.

Landlords Westernization initiated the Westernization Movement, China's objective to promote the emergence and development of capitalism, while China's modern instry, science and technology, ecation, started the Westernization Movement is the beginning of the modernization of China.
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