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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 00:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:20

真巧,我也是今年收到syd uni的offer,我觉得你enrollment的时候可以选要上的课程,如果你学了specialist maths应该是可以选advanced maths的(不过我记得考的时候有个这个的双学位,但好像要99分左右,你再查查)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:20


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:21


Major area/s of study can be named on your degree testamur when you graate.

Mathematics: It is important to note that all students in Science degrees (with the exception of B Liberal Arts and Science and B Psychology [Arts stream]) must take some units of study in mathematics.

Science Major studies: Agricultural chemistry, anatomy and histology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biology (animal, plant genetics), cell pathology, chemistry, computational science, computer science, environmental studies, financial mathematics and statistics, geography, geology and geophysics, history and philosophy of science, immunobiology, information systems, marine science, mathematics, medicinal chemistry, microbiology, nanoscience and technology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physics, physiology, plant science, psychology, soil science, statistics.

Refer to the indivial course descriptions.

Advanced degrees and units are available for high-achieving students. The advanced units are demanding and students must seek approval from the department concerned to take them. Teaching methods are innovative and students are encouraged to become involved in research projects in their major areas of interest.

Talented Student Program: The TSP is designed for students in the top one per cent in the NSW HSC or equivalent who have performed at an exceptionally high level in science or mathematics or have competed in a Science or Mathematics Olympiad. Entry to the TSP is by invitation only. The TSP caters to the indivial needs of these students; it could mean acceleration for one student, or special projects in place of laboratory work for another. The TSP enables students to push the boundaries of the typical university experience. If you would like to know more about the program, email the TSP co-ordinator Associate Professor Tony Masters, anthony.masters@sydney.e.au.

Instrial experience: The Schools of Chemistry and Physics operate a year-in-instry program in which students who have completed second year may spend a year working in a relevant instry before returning to complete their degree.

Combined degrees: 511607 B Ecation (Sec: Mathematics)/B Science, 511608 B Ecation (Sec: Science)/B Science, 511770 B Engineering/ B Science, 511790 B Engineering/B Medical Science, 511801 B Science/ B Laws, 511914 B Science/M Nursing, 512094 B Science/B Arts, 512099 B Science/M Nutrition and Dietetics, 511535 B Commerce/B Science, 512097 B Science (Advanced) or B Medical Science/B Medicine/B Surgery, 512098 B Sc/MBBS (for ATSI only) and B MedSci/MBBS (for ATSI only), 512658 B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Sc)/M Nutrition and Dietetics.

You can also combine Advanced Science and Advanced Mathematics within many of these combined degrees, provided that your ATAR is sufficiently high.
注意最后一句话,这说明你是可以combine commerce 和Bscience(advanced maths).但是atar的要求可能会更高,Bscience(advanced maths)单科的要求是Atar98.00. 如果单是B commerce/B science(advanced maths) 只是94.4因为sceince本身只有85分要求,但是要combineadvance math的话,可能就要高了,你打个悉尼大学电话问一下,具体情况,如果选advance math到底会不会需要更高的atar i.e98.00,我之前打过他们的电话询问我的course,他们都很热心帮助的。这样最保险了。
微创包皮手怎么是像订书针一样扎在上面 感谢领导精辟诗句 感恩领导的诗句 最顶级的感谢领导的诗句 世界斯诺克排行榜前10名的名单 斯诺克积分规则 ...多可以用12小时顺流航行,每小时可行30千米。逆流航行每小 ...顺流每小时行30千米,逆流每小时行20千米.这艘船在A、B两地之间往返... ...乙两地往返航行,顺流每小时行30千米,逆流每小时行20千米.问:这艘船... ...航行,顺流每小时行30千米,逆流每小时行20千米,这艘船在A B两地之间... 高分。。急求管理学习心得!!! 请问澳大利亚悉尼南十字星高中怎么样 毛瑟袖珍手枪的简介 在泰勒学院学习是不是去悉尼大学最保险的方式? 宝马r1250摩托车突然黑屏? 注浆堵水加固及开挖支护 宝宝的脐带血是“废”还是“保”? 关于澳洲...... 香港存臍帶血有必要嗎?臍帶血有什麼用?存臍帶和臍帶血有什麼區別哪個好啊? 林青霞一些罕见的少女时期照片 。你有看过吗? 宝沃BX7为什么说是一辆被低估的车? 华为手机左上角的小红点一直在亮,我的手机电量还是挺满的,差不多有93%,不知道是怎么回事?? 有实力却被低估的选手 斯巴鲁森林人 为什么华为手机充电时左上角有红点,都充了几个小时了它一点反应都没有? 谁是最被低估和高估的拜占庭皇帝呢? 为什么说荣威RX3是一辆被严重低估的好车? 为什么说千万不要低估一个对吃讲究的人? 别低估了这B级车,18.69万起年销近17万台,超君威逼近凯美瑞 mate9 突然死机后黑屏,强制重启恢复等都无反应,只有屏幕右上角有一个小红点亮,其它啥反应也没有? 哪些星座严重被低估,貌似憨厚,其实看破不说破,为人处事特别圆滑?_百度... 患有白血病应如何申请救助基金? 【合集】动漫免费观看在线,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 高中生如何通过考雅思上国外大学 【合集】免费在线看动漫,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 【合集】动画片免费观看,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 你都知道哪些堪称神器的APP? OPPO手机墙纸如何设置? 在三亚买二手房过户买房都需要提供什么手续 小米手机私密相册图案忘记了怎么办- 问一问 有谁知道20度是什么角? 海南买房交首付时必须交契税和公共维修金吗 外地人在海南保亭买房 首套房契税怎么交 20度60度1o0度是什么角 20度=什么平角=什么周角 读书郎点读机F22的键盘怎么使用? 正20度和负20度的含义有什么不同 第一次在海南买房的税的问题 APA7th页眉页脚距离 读书郎F20增强版怎么用 儿子帮母亲在海南买房,如何办房产证