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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 04:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 18:43

What is good ecation
I will use two blocks said that this problem.It devided into direct ecation and indevided ecation.
The first one:I can have a talk with the direct ecation.I think that I would have a talk family ecation.It's very important to make your future.When you were a small child,your mother told you how to walk,how to be a independent person,how to talk with others,how to share your food give others.How to deal with your friends realtionship.Mother was your mirror,if your mother and father give you more positive power,it will help your future to face your life,marriage,social,company,relatives,children,friends relationship.
The second one:I can have a talk with the indirect ecation.I think that I would have a talk your school's ecation.It instructed you how to communicate with others,how to be a good learner.The teacher will have a big impress in your life,a good teacher will lead to more,created the excellent students.She will tell you how to study,and how to do a good person,how to love,big love,how to equal to others,how to fall down and smile,the finally,stand up.Not just tell you how to study.The high scores the lower brain,one student don't know how to life,I think that it was a big problem in his life.
All in all,a good ecation will give you more power,knows how to be a accomplish person,how to talk with others,include your friends,lover,wife,husband,parents,study buddies,realtives,teacher and colleauge.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 18:43

What is good ecation
I will use two blocks said that this problem.It devided into direct ecation and indevided ecation.
The first one:I can have a talk with the direct ecation.I think that I would have a talk family ecation.It's very important to make your future.When you were a small child,your mother told you how to walk,how to be a independent person,how to talk with others,how to share your food give others.How to deal with your friends realtionship.Mother was your mirror,if your mother and father give you more positive power,it will help your future to face your life,marriage,social,company,relatives,children,friends relationship.
The second one:I can have a talk with the indirect ecation.I think that I would have a talk your school's ecation.It instructed you how to communicate with others,how to be a good learner.The teacher will have a big impress in your life,a good teacher will lead to more,created the excellent students.She will tell you how to study,and how to do a good person,how to love,big love,how to equal to others,how to fall down and smile,the finally,stand up.Not just tell you how to study.The high scores the lower brain,one student don't know how to life,I think that it was a big problem in his life.
All in all,a good ecation will give you more power,knows how to be a accomplish person,how to talk with others,include your friends,lover,wife,husband,parents,study buddies,realtives,teacher and colleauge.

The first one:I can have a talk with the direct education.I think that I would have a talk family education.It's very important to make your future.When you were a small child,your mother told you how to walk,how to be a independent person,how to talk with others,how to...


From the picture, we can see that some schools only want their students to study hard at their lessons but ignore the educating on students' ability of practice, communication and organization. These schools regard study as the most important thing but other abilities such as communica...

求一篇英语作文:什么样的教学方法是最好的? What the best teaching sty...

Tradtional educational methodology is the students were asked to bear in mind what teachers told in class.In the new wave of educationalreform, we explore in our search for a suitable youth development, growth and effectiveteaching methods.Develop a new teaching methods and involve both...


the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education. And then they will take part in the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on. School eduction almost run through people’s whole life. So it is very important. We all know that thereare...


and all of us.拥有良好的教育对我们非常有益。有下列原因。首先,良好的教育能帮我们获得更多的知识和经验, 这些当然会为使我们丰富自己,提高自己。第二,好的教育能为我们提供更好的就业机会。最后好的教育能帮我们把我们所学到的东西来为社会做贡献, 这既有益于社会同时又有益于我们自己。


First of all,good education enable people to have high quality taste of beings around.No matter when,you'll feel proud of yourself and never get depressed.What's more,it's a good start of you career.In addition,the society precious people of good education background.The higher...


Education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture. Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved. While Chinese education is for foundation education, ...

英语作文 “The Importance of a Good Education” 120词左右

of education,society will advance4 more quickly in the areas of science and technology,which in turn helps to bring about5 a brighter future for our society.[4]Therefore,we must pay close attention to education,and make more efforts to6 develop our country's education.


the society precious people of good education background.The higher your academic career is ,the more chances are there for you to be accepted by companies.From a far big picture,a society of various well-equipped people will be in harmony.And finally,we come to the most ...


me, I vote for the latter.翻译:现在,在家教学成为了热点话题。随着高等教育的人们成为父母的数量增多,在家教育的潮流也变得越来越普遍。然而,每当说到这个话题,不同的人有不同的意见。有些人认为在家教育能够增强亲子联系,然而有些人认为孩子还是该生活在大群体里。对我来说,我同意后者。

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