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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:19

I called XXX. I AM BORN1985.06, in shandong jining, hometown of Confucius' hometown, jining is located LiangShanPo, heroes of the marshes, home of five people, and my parents, my brother and sisters. Working experience in shenzhen, 2009.07 to 2010.01 fu Anna household limited company work. Daily work is mainly measuring the standard working hours, part-time workers price, The problem of proction line to improve, To simplify the line, line balance rearrangement, increase proctivity and efficiency. Hobbies, mainly is reading, film, mountaineering, swimming.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:19

My name is XXX and I was born in June, 1985. Jining is my hometown, which is located in Shangdong Province and was also the hometown of Confucius. It is located in ‘Liang Shan Po', where the heroes of the marshes originate. There are five people in my family, including my parents, one brother, one sister, and myself。 I worked in Fu Anna Household Co. Ltd, located in Shenzhen, from July 2009 to January 2010. Daily work consisted of measuring fellow employees' work hours, determining appropriate wages; improving proction efficiency, rearranging and simplifying the proction line to increase proctivity and efficiency. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, climbing and swimming.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:20

I am xxx, and I was born in June, 1985. My hometown is Jining, Shandong which is also Confucius's. Liang Shan Po, where the heroes of the marshes originate, locates in my hometown. There are five family members who are my parents, brother, sister, and me.

I used to work in Fuanna Household Co. Ltd, which in Shenzhen, from July, 2009 to January 2010.

My hobbies are reading, watching movies, climbing, and swimming.

6. Thanks for the help. I owe you one.多谢帮忙。我欠你个人情。7. I'm truly grateful for your help.我非常感激你的帮助。8. You have my gratitude.十分感谢。9. I cannot express to you how grateful I am.我无法向你表达我是多么感激。10. I can't thank you enough.不胜感激。

thank you 和thanks的区别是什么?什么场合使用

thank you是短语,用于比较郑重的场合;thanks ( n. )用于比较随便的场合,语气较轻。


问题一:谢谢大家英文怎么说 Thank you all 或 Thanks to you all 问题二:谢谢大家 的英文怎么说? Thanks!Thank you everybody!对于谢谢大家的帮忙可以这么说:Thank you for your help!Thank you for everyone's help!Thank you for all of your help!地道一点的说法:谢谢大家。I would like...


If I rule the world如果我统治世界 It's hemispheres这是半球 I could not repay我无法偿还 the love you brought my way你的爱我的方式带来的 So I want to say it now因此,我想说现在 To thank you for each day you gave me.为了感谢您的每一天你给我。Thank you for the Mondays谢谢...


3.thank [θæŋk]vt. 感谢 n. 感谢 int. 谢谢 ①She thanked me for the present.(她对我送的礼物表示感谢)②Thank you for asking me,though.(不过还是感谢你的邀请)③I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough.(我真不知道该怎么感谢你)...(好多好多)4...


4月23日是世界读书日,我们学校要举办活动庆祝。April 23th is World Reading Day. There will be a celebration in our school.所以我想让你推荐一些适合我阅读的英文书籍。So I hope you could recommend some English books to me which are suitable for me.我比较喜欢看小说,除此之外我还喜欢...


All shelves must be present and in good working order.所有的货架上必须在场,处于良好的工作状态。Check ice machine if present.如果目前冰机检查。The rubber sill of the washing machine should be free of fungus and moles.橡胶基材洗衣机的应该是免费的病菌和痣。Paint of closet on each ...


If possible, please provide me with the photo, in order to make me know about which supplier is supposed to be claimed. Thank you for your help.


1、真的真的感谢你 Really really thank you 2、真的很感谢你 Really thank you 3、我真的很感谢你 I really appreciate you ; Ich danke dir wirklich sehr 4、我真的非常感谢你 I really extremely thank you ; I really thank you 5、真的非常感谢你的理解 Really extremely thanks your ...


The attached is information of job vacancies in the region of China. Please help to publish it on "XXX" of the company's website (www.XXX.com.cn) and on LinkedIn as well.Many thanks for your help.

多谢帮忙办事词语 要我帮忙吗英文翻译 帮助英语翻译 需要帮忙吗英文翻译 多谢帮忙的一些话 关于英语翻译 看起来像英语翻译 而不是英语翻译 在我看来英语翻译
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