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伊斯兰教的 天房 是用英语怎么说

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英文介绍*教 天房等English houses on the Islamic day
悬赏分:0-解决时间:2007-4-3 16:12Reward minutes : 0-settlement time : 2007-4-3 +97.6
提问者:331965593-试用期 一级Question : 331965593-level probation period
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The Islamism is a world religion of a , Christianity and be called the three greatest religions in the world.China is old to call the big food method, big the food teaches the degree, a square how to teach, Islam, return to Islam, Islam...etc..The ( one Islam of a1) fastens the Arabian speech to translate, original intention for" obey"," peace", point to obey and believe in the cosmos only an of tallest dominate Allah and its wills, in order to get the peace of two a life times with quiet and peaceful.The person who believes in the Islamism knows together as" the wood.( Muslim, mean" obey")Rise at the beginning of 7 centuries in Arabian Peninsula, from the Mecca person's Mohammed( about 570-632) create to spread.The main dissemination isin Asia, Africa, with the west is second,north not, Central Asia, south second time big six and Southeast Asia most for spread widely.Since 20 centuries, the dissemination and the development in different from some regions of South America also have degree in Western Europe, North America.It since have create up to the present for more than 1300 years, it was a kind of religion and faith, the consciousness appearance and a kind of cultural systems, streaming into the world-wide locations, with the influence that the local traditional culture affects the different from fusion, under the condition of different history, all took place to the social development, political structure, economic appearance, cultural vogue, ethics morals, life style...etc.s of many nations and race degree mutually.According to the covariance, the whole world 92,102,700,000,000 LIN2 YOU3 , the population of world that shares the same period amounts 18.54% of 488,204,200,000,000 people.In second not more than 40 nation, the LIN2 ZHAN4's majority of the national and total population.In more than 30 nations, the Islamism was settle to teach for the country.Develop in international political live at contemporary, the nation and Lin's people of more important function of benefit.The Islamism is a world of a religion. Christianity and be called the three greatest r eligions in the world.China is to call the old 530 g food method, the big food teaches the degree. how to teach a square, Islam and return to Islam. The Islam ... etc. .. (one of Islam a1) fastens the Arabian speech to translate. original intention for "obey" and "peace" point to obey and believe in the cosmos of only an and its tallest dominate Allah wills. in order to get the peace of a life two times with q uiet and peaceful.The person who believes in th e Islamism knows together as "the wood. (Muslim , mean "obey") Rise at the beginning of seven centur ies in Arabian Peninsula , from the Mecca person 's Mohammed (about 570- 632) to create main dissemination is spread.The in Asia, Africa, with the west is second. not north, Central Asia, south and Southeast Asia MOS second time big six t spread widely.Since for 20 centuries. the dissemination and the development in diffe rent from some regions of South America also hav e degree in Western Europe. North America.It create up to the pre and have since sent for more than 1,300 years. it was a kind of religion and faith. the consciousness appearance and a kind of cult ural systems. streaming into the world-wide locations. with the influence that the local traditional c ulture affects different from the fusion. under the condition of different history. all took place to the social development. political structure, economic appearance. cultural vogue, ethics and morals. etc.s life style of many nations and race deg ... ree mutually.According to the covariance. the whole world 92,102,700,000. LIN2 YOU3 000. the population of the same world that shares per iod amounts of 488,204,200,000 18.54%. not more than 40 second 000 people.In nation. the LIN2 ZHAN4 's majority of the national and to tal population.In more than 30 nations. settle the Islamism was for the country to teach . Develop in international political live at CO. ntemporary. Lin and the nation 's more important people of fu nction of benefit.

Old call" Islam"," return to Islam"," Islam"," a square teach"...etc. in the our country, is at the beginning of seven centuries Arabian Peninsula the Mecca person's Mohammed establish of henotheism, teach with , the Christianity is juxtaposed for the three greatest religions in the world.The seventh centry A.D. goes to 17 centuries, under the name of the , have ever built up MA3 YA3 , to pull out the empire that the , India lay the son, Turkey etc. a series of and various feudalism king toward.Through the history vicissitudes of life of more than 1,000 years, these prosperous very a fit of feudalism king toward all have already become the history vestiges.But be" the " of the religion of the world but did not wither always.At first, it is a religion of race, being the spirit headspring of a feudalism empire immediately after, subsequent be again a kind of religion, the power of the culture and politics, the way that a kind of people life, develop constantly within the scope of world, is to go to become the world nowadays of three big religion of a.Old call "Islam" and "return to Islam" and "Islam". "a square teach" ... etc.. in the our country. is at the beginning of seven centuries Arabian P eninsula the Mecca person 's Mohammed establis h of henotheism, teach with. Christianity is the juxtaposed for the three gr eatest religions in the world.The seventh cent ry A.D.. goes to 17 centuries. under the name of the. Made up YA3 have ever built. to the empire that the pull out. India lay the son. Turkey etc.. a series of feudalism and various ki ng toward.Through the vicissitudes of history life of more than 1,000 years. these very prosperous king to a fit of feudalism ward all have already become the history vestig es.But be "the" of the religion of the world but d id not wither always.At first. it is a religion of race, empi feudalism being the spirit of a headspring Ampère immediately after. subsequent again be a kind of religion. the power of the culture and politics. the way that people kind of a life. develop constantly within the scope of world, is to go to become the world nowadays of three big of a religion.

Today, under the flag, have already come together 700,000,000 wood of .Though they distribute in world-wide locations, nationality, the race, skin color is similar to language is each not, wear that ancient true meaning together and carefully obey, namely cosmos only have 1 to dominate-" Allah", and adhere to each from of comprehension, follow 《 ancient through 》 of doctrine.Today, under the flag. 700,000 have already come together. 000 of wood. Though they distribute in world-wi de locations, nationality, the race, skin color is similar to each language is not. wear that ancient true meaning together and car efully obey. namely cosmos only have one to dominate- "Allah" adhere to and from each of comprehension. follow the "ancient through" of doctrine.

The Islamism establish soon, streamed into the our country.According to 《 book of Fujian province 》 jot down,"( Mohammed) have the disciple big and wise four people, Tang 武 is virtuous to win to come to dynasty, hence preach China.A wise preach Guangzhou, two wise preach the state of , three wise, four wise preach the spring state." The prophet Mohammed has ever said:" Knowledge, although far in China, also be to beg it." His words encouraged the large LIN2 QIU2 ZHI 's wishes.Since seventh centry A.D., Arabian wood of along the flood and field transportation line arrives China, carrying on the trade or taking a trip, spreading the Islamism.The Islamism establish soon. country.According to our streamed into the "bo ok of Fujian province, "jot down. "(Mohammed) have the disciple and wise big four people. Wu Tang dynasty is virtuous to win to come to. hence preach China.A wise preach Guangzhou. preach the state of two wise, the three wise. four wise preach the spring state. "The prophet Mohammed has ever said : "Knowledge, although far in China. it also be to beg. "His words encouraged the larg e LIN2 QIU2 ZHI 's seventh centry A wishes.Since . D. . Arabian wood along the flood and field of transp China ortation line arrives. carrying on the trade or taking a trip. spreading the Islamism.

Create the historyCreate the history
The Islamism is Arabian Peninsula the social economy, politics and religion the development turn into of inevitable outcome.The end of 6 centuries goes to the beginning of 7 centuries, Arabian Peninsula just be placed in big change period of the original clan tribe disintegration, the rank society formation.Peninsula because of the difference of the natural environment, society economy, political development pole unbalance.Residents mainly are to take nomad's way of life as shells that living to all reside because of person, pursue the grass of water, be divided into many clan tribes, each clan tribe is each according to one square, each other usually for fight the ranch, headwaters, land but occurrence war, the blood kin revenge widely accepted.For successive years the war make society turbulent, procing the stagnation, the internal rank of clan divides to turn worse, the tribe nobility emerge with the tide of the times, they occupy a great deal of oasis and lawns, own many slaves and animal, but the large quantity nomad's way of life people be on the brink of the bankruptcy.The peninsula follows the rare of the Red Sea coast( ambition of ) region, is important business main route of the east, western trade from thou.Locate at the Mecca in a south north transportation center, because of being benefit by the transit trade to develop into the prosperous business town.The Mecca business nobility of the ancient tribe of administers the big power of many centers of absolute being adoration gram management of the white sanctuary, offering sacrifices to the temple fair to gather from the gram white in the city trade annually, seeking a huge sum of income, the broke the business trade of the Mecca.The business in the town nobility together the nobility of the migratory tribe, pass to conct company's brigade, sell the slave and lend money at high interest etc. means, reap staggering profits, herd the people to carry on the usury dish's shell to the town destitute and agriculture, the huckster is bankrupt in the large quantity, becoming the debtor of the business nobility, resulting in the rank opposition turn worse, the social economic crisis rise everywhere.The Islamism is social ec was applied to the Arabian Peninsula onomy. politics and religion the development turn int o inevitable outcome.The end of six centuries of g 862/2003 to the beginning of seven centuries. just be placed in big change Arabian Peninsula p eriod of the original clan tribe disintegratio n formation.Peninsula because the rank society of the difference of the natural environment. society economy. political development pole unbalance.Reside nts are mainly to take nomad 's way of life as shel 1s that person because of living to all reside. pursue the grass of water. be divided into many tribes clan. each clan tribe is each according to square one. usually fight each other for the ranch. headwaters, land but occurrence war. the blood kin revenge succeeded the widely accepted.For essive the war make society turbulent years. procing the stagnation. the internal rank of clan divides to turn worse. the tribe nobility emerge with the tide of the ti mes. they occupy a great deal of oasis and lawns. own many slaves and animal. but the large quantity nomad 's way of life peopl e bankruptcy.The be on the brink of the peninsul a rare follows the coast of the Red Sea (Hence of) region. main route of the east is important business. at the western Mecca in a trade from thou.Locate north south transportation center. because of the transit trade to benefit by being develop into the prosperous business town.The Mecca business nobility of the ancient tribe of administers many of the big power centers of abs olute being adoration gram management of the wh Béite sanctuary. offering sacrifices to the temple fair to gathe r from the gram white in the city trade annually. seeking a huge sum of income. the business of the trade broke the Jani Mecca.The siness in the town nobility together the nobili Mauritius of the migratory tribe. pass to conct company 's brigade. sell the slave and lend money at high interest et c. means, reap staggering profits. herd the people to carry on the usury dish 's shel l to the town destitute and agriculture. the huckster is bankrupt in the large quantity. becoming the debtor of the business nobility. resulting in the opposition rank turn worse. the social economic crisis rise everywhere.

Invade foreignly and the change of traditional company's way, turned worse the economic crisis and social antinomies of the peninsula.Do obeisance to share the and Persia two greatest empire, in order to fight and control Arabian company's way, the fifty-fifty island carries on the depredation war of the sub- long-term.525 years, the Ethiopian person sends the soldier to seize Yemen while do obeisance the support of share the .The Ethiopia of 570 years halts the second cloth of governor of province of Yemen to pull the rate the soldier enters to make the Mecca;The on the way draw back troops because encounter the epidemic, but fight the social activities that the confusion broke the region.575 years, send army Persia graally walk Ethiopian person, established the governance in Yemen.Multifarious war and depredation, make south social economy in Arabia was break by severity, the land lie waste, irrigate engineering drive ruin, the road drown, company trip not ex-, the population down sharply, making rich and populous region of Yemen quick comedown.At the same time, Persia break the thing for the sake of the square trade, abolish the reason Yemen through the peninsula western region the Red Sea shore company road arrive Syria, another open up a was arrive by Persian gulf and two river areas Mediterranean of company road.The change of the company road, result in south and western region economic decline of peninsula, Mecca, Medina etc. the transit trade nasty play of the town, the business nobility income down, many shells that is make a living by company's brigade are all to rupture because of the person and the city residents' way out, thus deepenning the social crisis.Invade and the change of traditional foreignly company 's way. turned worse the economic crisis and social ant inomies of obeisance to share the peninsula.Do the two greatest empire and Persia. in order to fight and control Arabian company 's way. the fifty-fifty carries on the island depredat ion sub- long-term.525 years of the war. the Ethiopian person sends the soldier to seize Yemen while obeisance do share the support of th e. The Ethiopia 570 years of the second assembly halts th of governor of the province of Yemen to pull Jamri te the soldier enters to make the Mecca; The draw back troops on the way because encounte r the epidemic. but fight the social activities that the confus ion broke the region.575 years. send army Persia graally walk Ethiopian persécution on. established the governance in Yemen.Multifar ious war and depredation. make social economy in south Arabia was break by severity, the land lie waste. irrigate engineering drive ruin. drown the road, not The Hague, Institut Asser company trip. the population down sharply. making rich and populous region of Yemen quick c omedown.At the same time, Persia break the thing for the sake of the square trade. abolish the reason Yemen through the peninsula western region the Red Sea shore company road ar rive Syria. another was open up a Persian gulf and arrive by t wo river areas of company road.T Mediterranean he change of the company road. result in south and western region economic SNR line of peninsula, Mecca. Medina etc.. the transit trade of the nasty play t own, the business nobility income down. many shells that is make a living by company 's br igade are all to rupture because of the person an d the city residents' way out. thus deepenning the social crisis.

The Islamism is before rise, the Arab on the peninsula mainly believed in the originality religion, believed that the creation worked properly to is deathless with soul, widely accepted to the great universe, move the plant, ancestry, spirit and idolatry etc. many absolute being faith.Among them pull especially( namely Apollo), black firm( namely all-powerful absolute being) be subjected to worship with those( namely the destiny absolute being) three greatest fairies of particularly.The gram white sanctuary oblation of the Mecca city center contain one idol of each clan of more than 360s tribe absolute being, offering sacrifices to, pray, dedicating the toward it.Judaism and Christianities that believe in one absolute being stream into the peninsula already, popular in region and some towns and the agriculture areas of Yemen, its one absolute being idea, classic, legend, etiquette and custom shows the influence of to the Islamism.Because of the Judaism and Christianities unwell should demand of Arabian and social change, can not get the extensive dissemination.Under the influence that Arabian society change and henotheism idea, Arab from many absolute being believe in believe in the transition toward henotheism, proce an absolute being the man parties of the tendency.They admit only one absolute being, the objection idolatry, believe life an an an an an an an an an an an an a day, bring to life, punishment and retribution, pay attention to personal live as recluse to fix the , live the abstinent life.The man of thinks the pioneer who like to be the Islamism thought and wins to lie.The rise is before Islamism. the Arab believed in the mainly on the peninsula originality religion. believed that the creation worked properly to i 's deathless with soul. widely accepted to the great universe. move the plant, ancestry, spirit and idolatry, etc.. many absolute being fa ith.Among them pull especially (namely Apollo ) Black firm (namely all-powerful absolute bein g) be subjected to worship with those (namely th e destiny being absolute) three greatest fairi particularly.The gram of white sanctuary ob es IBM contain one of the Mecca city cent
伊斯兰教的 天房 是用英语怎么说

英文介绍伊斯兰教 天房等English houses on the Islamic day 悬赏分:0-解决时间:2007-4-3 16:12Reward minutes : 0-settlement time : 2007-4-3 +97.6 提问者:331965593-试用期 一级Question : 331965593-level probation period 最佳答案Best answer IslamismIslamism The Islamism is a world religion of...

英文介绍伊斯兰教 天房等

英文介绍伊斯兰教 天房等 1个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗?鸬鹚_ziyu58 2007-04-03 · TA获得超过1790个赞 知道答主 回答量:643 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 IslamismThe Islamism is a world religion of a , Christianity and be called...


伊斯兰教第一大圣寺,阿拉伯语名al-Masdjid al-Haram,坐落在沙特阿拉伯麦加市中心。这里是全球穆斯林朝圣的重要地点,朝向被称为“克儿白”的圣殿。该寺的起源可追溯至穆罕默德时期,当时它被划为禁地,禁止非穆斯林入内,禁止狩猎和斗殴,因此得名禁寺。起初,它只是一个简单的露天礼拜场所,仅有“克...




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位于阿拉伯半岛麦加城(今沙特阿拉伯境内)中心,是全世界穆斯林礼拜朝向“克儿白”(天房)的所在地。麦加圣寺(al—Masjid al—Haram) 伊斯兰教第一大圣寺。亦称麦加清真大寺、禁寺。阿拉伯语“麦斯 吉德·哈拉姆”一词的意译。该寺坐落在沙特阿拉伯麦加城中心。它是全世界穆斯林礼拜朝向克尔白天房的所在地...


是沙特阿拉伯的麦加的禁寺,Masjid Al-Haram, 他们在礼拜求真主不要给他们带来灾难。2楼说的(也有少数派别以耶路撒冷的“阿克萨”清真寺为朝拜方向)是错的。这是在穆罕默德先知近麦地那城之前才是往那个方向礼拜的。之后真主降下旨意就改了。

谁知道伊斯兰教里的Imam Hosein

用俄罗斯历史学家普托罗斯夫斯基的话说: “阿里从内心深处信仰伊斯兰教和先知,他非常热爱自己的宗教,阿里是一位在言行方面忠贞不渝的勇士,是圣贤们的楷模”。美国历史学家威尔•杜朗特说:“阿里是天启宗教的道路上,谦虚、敬畏、快乐和虔诚完美的典范。他英俊、善良、有思想、信仰坚定。

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