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中译英 高手进 谢谢 机器的不要~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 01:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 05:40

Dear students:
Today, June 27, 2009, is a worthwhile bearing in mind the day the students here. At this moment, we are gathered here, held a grand Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2009 session of the undergraate graation ceremony, all Jiaotong University people, and your dear family to witness this solemn and sacred moment. First of all, please allow me on behalf of school staff and students, to you our warmest congratulations! At the same time, I propose, invited all graate students, with the most sincere applause, the tireless, hard to cultivate your teachers, to the growth of talent for your services, faculty and staff who have expressed deep gratitude! At the same time, in today's ceremony site,
There are many parents of students, I want to say to you, the glory of the children also belong to you!
University for four years, is the best in life for some time. Four years ago, students Huaizhao dream, with excellent results, enter the Jiao Tong University, gathered here to begin a university career. National Chiao Tung University four years of life, so that you are deeply in love with the plants and trees on campus National Chiao Tung University, National Chiao Tung University is also firmly so that you remember every word and action.
Students, your school four years, for the motherland, for the National Chiao Tung University, are an extraordinary four years. In four years, you are a witness to strong and prosperous country, you are witness to Endeavor off National Chiao Tung University. , You should use their wisdom, talents and actions to add luster to his alma mater, written a moving chapter. Many students a high level of discipline at home and abroad on the Zhaijinoyin events in becoming the school won the honor, in various stage shows NCTU student presence. Alma mater proud for your achievements, in order to grow your pleased!
Students, you have four years in school, study diligently, happy life, the courage to practice, the pursuit of progress, continuous academic and intellectual maturity
Parting the occasion, some having left; but the future for you, I am more confident. As your teachers, at this particular moment, I would like to give you asked three sentences:
The first sentence: To take the initiative to learn, to adapt to the new environment. Into the new environment, need to learn, willing to accept the challenge. We must adapt to times of prosperity, but also should have the courage to face adversity, to accept setbacks. In the next life, you may encounter the work of lost love depression, disease, torture, however, whenever, please do not give up on life, love, the pursuit of happiness, cherish peace. Come rain or shine, as long as we continue to enrich themselves through learning, they will be able to reap success and happiness.
The second sentence: To fully prepared to become leaders. Please be assured that in the near future, the majority of you will have the opportunity to grow as a leader in every aspect, but the opportunities always favor those who are prepared, so you have to love the work team, treat your colleagues, show concern for their growth, and they share the work of the fun. You must remember that they need your motivation, understanding and support, because you are a member of the team. Keep in mind that the best way to motivate team members so that they are not worried and afraid, but let them feel respected and valuable.
The third sentence: To harbor thanksgiving, back to society. "Forget their roots, patriotic wing school" is the motto Jiaotong University, thanksgiving and responsibilities, is its spiritual core. Be grateful to him, grateful to give you everything. In your school on the road to get many people care and help. When you have the ability, we must remember that a variety of ways to repay the country, society and all the care and love your people.
Students, "grand plan in mind shouldering heavy tasks. Looking that the light of truth, Raising youth sailing. Chiao Tung University, National Chiao Tung University, Qunying aggregation, the same boat voyage on the other side. For self and work hard, in order to contribute more to human beings", when the familiar melody sounded, you will embark on life full of passion and dreams of a new journey. Let us unite as one, hand in the future, with the country's future, the rise and fall of national solidarity, work together to create a new and glorious Jiaotong University, let us hing school dream of passion and strong states surging in the blood of people of all National Chiao Tung University, together with embrace passion, Flying Dream!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 05:41

Dear classmates:

Today, June 2009, 27, is a worthy of all students to remember the days. At this moment, we meet here, grandly held in 2009, Shanghai jiaotong university undergraate graation ceremony, all of you, and the university is a family together witness the darling of the sacred moment. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the employees, to you my warmest congratulations! At the same time, my proposal, please all graate students, with the most sincere applause, diligence, hard to cultivate your teacher, for your service to the growth of the staff and deep thank! At the same time, today, the ceremony scene many classmates of parents, I want to say to you, and the glory of the children also belong to you!

The university for four years, is the life the happiest time. Four years ago, the students with dreams, excellent grades, enter jiaotong university, in the university, began his career. Four years of university life, make you fell in love with jiaotong university campus weed and blade, also let you remember the university firmly the words and deeds.

Students at school, you, for the motherland, for jiaotong university, are not ordinary four years. In these 4 years, you are our motherland prosperity, you are mighty witness the witnesses soar jiaotong university. With your own wisdom and talent and action for Alma mater, compose a chelseagreat moving chapters. Many students in high level disciplines competition, success, for the breaststroke school won honours in various stages of the university students. For your Alma mater proud achievement, for your growth pleased!

The classmates, you study hard at school, and happy life, brave practice, pursuing the progress in studies and thought, constantly maturity

At last, some not, But for your future, I am more confident. As your teacher, in this special moment, I want to give you ordered three words:

The first word: active learning, adapt to the new environment. Enter the new environment, to learn, to accept the challenge. Both must adapt the prosperity, dare to face adversity, accept defeat. In the future life, you may encounter, love the job loss, disease, depression, but whenever you, please don't give up love of life and the pursuit of happiness, the treasure of peace. For better or worse, if we learn through unceasingly enrich himself, he must be able to success and happiness.

The second sentence: to fully prepared, become leaders. Please believe, in the near future, you will have the opportunity to grow in the most outstanding, and all aspects for the opportunity always favors those who are ready for it, so you must love work team, good care of your colleagues, they grow, and they share their jobs. You must remember that they need your motivation, understanding and support, because you are a member of the team. Please remember that the best way to motivate a team member is not let them worry and fear, but let them feel respected and valuable.

The third sentence: to be thankful and social returns. April showers bring may flowers, "patriotic school glorifying" is the school motto, communication university of China, is it gratitude and responsibility of the kernel spirit. Learn to be grateful to you, thanks. In your study, get on the road. Many people care and help. When you have the ability, must remember in various ways to return, and all the people you love and care.

Students, "together in the chest, share of strife. Towards the light of truth, the youth, jiaoda, sails. Jiaotong university, in the west shore. Sail gathers for self-improvement and make more contribution to human beings," when the familiar melody rang, you will be full of passion and dream on the journey of life. Let us unite, hand in hand, and the future of our country, the national relationship, and create new resplendence jiaotong university, and let us be strong passion and the school in the dream of all jiaotong university surge in blood, with passion, fly embracing dreams!


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 05:41


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 05:42

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