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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:29



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 08:47

摘要1)  inchworm locomotion gaitserpenoid曲线1.An inchworm locomotion gait model based on serpenoid curve was presented.提出了一种基于serpenoid曲线的蛇形机器人的蠕动步态模型。2)  SeleniumSe1.A wide range of selenium content(34.通过酸消解,原子荧光-氢化物发生法测定了广州市部分市售水产品中Se的含量,由标准物质(GBW 08551猪肝)和回收率控制检测质量。2.Using a self-made selenium ionselective electrode(ISE),a change from selenium in seawater to H_2Se with the help of the issuing installatinon about the hydride,and lead it into NaOH solution using N_2,and achieve the aim separating the selenium from the baseic(seawater) and richening it.用自行研制的硒离子选择性电极,借助氢化物发生装置,将海水中的Se转化为H2Se,通过N2将其导入NaOH溶液中,以达到将Se与基体分离与富集的目的,通过对测定条件进行了选择与优化,实现了海水中Se的测定。3)  selenium(Ⅳ)Se(Ⅳ)4)  selenium(Ⅵ)Se(Ⅵ)5)  SeSe1.The changes of temperature,the setting temperature and solvent are all important factors affecting the formation of Se nanowire.溶液温度的变化、静置温度、溶剂的选择对硒(Se)纳米线的形成有重要的影响。2.Geochemistry research results in some gold deposits show that dispersed elements like Te,Se,Cd,and Tl may be enri咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-02serpenoid曲线中的波形个数是啥意思1)  inchworm locomotion gaitserpenoid曲线1.An inchworm locomotion gait model based on serpenoid curve was presented.提出了一种基于serpenoid曲线的蛇形机器人的蠕动步态模型。2)  SeleniumSe1.A wide range of selenium content(34.通过酸消解,原子荧光-氢化物发生法测定了广州市部分市售水产品中Se的含量,由标准物质(GBW 08551猪肝)和回收率控制检测质量。2.Using a self-made selenium ionselective electrode(ISE),a change from selenium in seawater to H_2Se with the help of the issuing installatinon about the hydride,and lead it into NaOH solution using N_2,and achieve the aim separating the selenium from the baseic(seawater) and richening it.用自行研制的硒离子选择性电极,借助氢化物发生装置,将海水中的Se转化为H2Se,通过N2将其导入NaOH溶液中,以达到将Se与基体分离与富集的目的,通过对测定条件进行了选择与优化,实现了海水中Se的测定。3)  selenium(Ⅳ)Se(Ⅳ)4)  selenium(Ⅵ)Se(Ⅵ)5)  SeSe1.The changes of temperature,the setting temperature and solvent are all important factors affecting the formation of Se nanowire.溶液温度的变化、静置温度、溶剂的选择对硒(Se)纳米线的形成有重要的影响。2.Geochemistry research results in some gold deposits show that dispersed elements like Te,Se,Cd,and Tl may be enri
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