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高分!找英文专家翻译 拒绝用翻译软件

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-17 10:28



热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 13:31

《Rubin's driftage records 》BE a classic the Zhao is British writer Di the establish a reputation of blessing to make.This book says of is host, male Rubin's is thrown an isolated island because of meeting wind waves, leads 28 years of standing alone time on the isolated island while going out to sea.Rubin's is a person who has a passion for a freedom and presumes an adventure.He is also an optimistic and open-minded person.Although a person drifts about a waste island, he didn't lose a hope, but leaned against own effort the stubborn existence is in the difficult environment.This makes me be subjected to benefit bandit shallow.I know we are a person and learn independence, we want to protect to entertain optimistic an upward mindset and want to be brave to calm and steadily face while meeting a difficulty.We want to study from Rubin's

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 13:32

"Robinson Crusoe" is a classic masterpiece is the famous British writer for Defoe. This book is the main character said Robinson because of the rough sea was thrown onto the island, in the island after 28 years of time alone. Robinson is a love of freedom, those who take risks. He is also an optimistic open-minded person. Although a person living on a desert island, he did not lose hope, but through their own efforts in a difficult environment to survive tenacious. This brings me to benefit. I know in life we must learn self-reliance, we must keep up the mentality of optimism, the difficulties in the face of calm to be brave to face. We would like to learn from Rubin Sun


热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 13:32

"Robinson Crusoe" is a classic masterpiece is the famous British writer for Defoe. This book is the main character said Robinson because of the rough sea was thrown onto the island, in the island after 28 years of time alone. Robinson is a love of freedom, those who take risks. He is also an optimistic open-minded person. Although a person living on a desert island, he did not lose hope, but through their own efforts in a difficult environment to survive tenacious. This brings me to benefit. I know in life we must learn self-reliance, we must keep up the mentality of optimism, the difficulties in the face of calm to be brave to face. We would like to learn from Rubin Sun

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 13:33

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