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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 04:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:13

Sick Leave
Malong ask a sick leave for permission.The next is the reason .
Because Malong play football with his friends yesterday in the rain,he got a badly cold.He went to hospital,and the doc.advised him to stay at home on the bed for 3days and drink a lot of water.So ask the teacher to permit Malong there days absence from the calss and hope the teacher approval.
DATE:from * to *

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:13

Sick Leave
Malong ask a sick leave for permission.The next is the reason .
Because Malong play football with his friends yesterday in the rain,he got a badly cold.He went to hospital,and the doc.advised him to stay at home on the bed for 3days and drink a lot of water.So ask the teacher to permit Malong there days absence from the calss and hope the teacher approval.
DATE:from * to *

Because Malong play football with his friends yesterday in the rain,he got a badly cold.He went to hospital,and the doc.advised him to stay at home on the bed for 3days and drink a lot of water.So ask the teacher to permit Malong there days absence from the calss and hop...


Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss XXX,I have to ask for a leave for one day because of fever caused by football playing and cold catching. The doctor suggested me to have a rest for one day. Hope you can permit. Thank you!


Yours respectfully


Please agree with me.Thank you!


Dear Miss,I'm so sorry for not able to come office today cauze I had serious headache.I will have to take some days off and will come back for work once I recovered.Wish my absence won't cauze you any inconvenience.Attached with doctor's approve.Sincerely Li Ming July 3,...

求英语作文 写一张感冒的请假条 名字是王阳 请假条内容基本上就是说...

Dear Sir,I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today, I've caught a cold because I swam in the school's swimming pool yesterday.This morning I had a headache. After taking my temperature, my mother found that I had a high fever, immediately she took me to ...

请假条英语作文 80字 内容看图。。

Tursday,June,18th Dear Mr Johnson,Since i have cought a severe cough and would like to see a doctor, i am writing to you to ask for a one-day leave on Friday. And i will make a call to you after getting medical treatment. I really regret for all the inconvinence ...


Dear Mr. Smith,I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have come down with a severe cold and, following my doctor's advice, I need to take a few days off to rest and recover.I would like to request leave from work for three days,...


Jun.23,2010 Dear Mr.johnson ,I am sorry to ask you for a dayoff,that i got a heavy cough.I am going to see doctor today.To my work ,i have finished most of them this weekend .I will give my manager a detail report and explaination.Sorry fo my left and i will come...


Dear Mr Smith, I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I got a bad cold yesterday. I had a high fever and a headache. I coughed a lot. I felt very tired. So my mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days, take the medicine...

英语作文请假条范文带翻译 英语病假请假条作文 请假条英语作文50字 关于请假条的英语作文 请假条英语作文带翻译 英语作文请假条万能模板 英语请假条范文200 大学英语请假条作文万能模板 请假条英文范文100词
魔兽世界51级在哪刷本 - 精华知识 魔兽世界51级BLSS怎么升级? 乌龟的尾巴有什么用? 将这一素材扩写成一篇作文,重点写事例 组装电脑怎么把电脑恢复到最先买到的状态? 从上海虹桥机场到浦东川沙镇合庆工业园东方久乐汽车安全气囊公司,怎么... 假牙吞进肚子里怎么办 卡西欧登山表 请问卡西欧登山表PRW-3500的防水性怎样? 飞鹤星蕴有喝的吗?打算给宝宝买这款奶粉,大家可以给点建议吗?_百度知 ... 乌龟眼睛上有白色的东西 【请写一篇关于请假条的英文作文】 眼角里面有个小白点怎么回事,不疼不痒 求一篇 英语请假条作文 要求如下 右眼角有一个白点,怎么办 一篇英语作文请假条要格式先说什么再说什么请附带翻译 眼角上长白斑是怎么回事 梦见自家厨房东西被搬空偷走 英文请假条作文 老年人眼角皮肤出现白点是怎么回事 梦见厨房里的东西都搬空了 眼睛周围的白点是什么,有什么好办法去掉吗? 眼角白点 怎么去除 眼角有白点是什么呀 揭阳眼角白点什么怎么回事呢? 我眼角里面长了一个小白点,这个是什么东西?会自己好吗? 眼角长出小的白点是血脂高吗? 假设你是mary因为身体不舒服 需要请假两天 请用英语给王老师写一张请假条 眼角这个小白点是怎么回事啊? 眼角长了个小白点 是什么东西 梦见公婆家房子里的东西都被搬空了。怎么解释 梦见公婆家房子里的东西都被搬空了。怎么解释? 华为麦芒4无法开机和充电? 华为麦芒6手机,换好几个尾插没用,换上最多充两天又充不了电,手机,电池各种功能没问题,唉!怎么办? 微信视频通话如果关闭别人弹是什么状态 几岁构成犯罪 年满多少岁犯罪要负法律责任? 犯罪年龄的界定 我国刑法对犯罪年龄的界定是怎样的 中国多大年龄可以负刑事责任? 犯罪年龄的界定最新 刑事犯罪的年龄 快手我收藏的音乐播放为什么一退出来或者一息屏然后它就停了怎么弄? 多少岁可以判刑 判刑的最高年龄是多大的 刑事年龄划分的三个年龄段 多大年龄够判刑? 犯罪年龄 年满多少岁犯罪,才可以判刑? 供暖安全检查都检查什么?